Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today was a Good Day. Master was still home recuperating so he went to the St. Pat's parade with me today. We had to park quite a distance from the parade route but I was pleased that I was able to do the walking without too much discomfort.

I loved watching the parade. The very beginning of it was emotional for me because they began with bagpipers. Bagpipe music always causes strong emotions to well up within me and it's all I can do to keep them from overflowing. I never know what's going to happen, most often I cry and sometimes it's a combination of crying and giggling.

Master gets all emotional too, though not in the same way I do, at the sound of bagpipes.

It was exciting hearing the bands and seeing the colorful clowns. I spent part of the parade worrying that Master would make good on his threat to make me wave to all the parade participants as they passed us by. It's way out of my character to do that, strange but true.

It felt good to just enjoy a moment with Master as we oohed and ahhed over the choppers and old cars.

The weather was excellent, slightly chilly but sunny so it wasn't uncomfortable. Just perfect for a little bit of snuggling together. The trip back to the car was a little more than uncomfortable, I'd gotten very stiff and sore from standing for so long and walking didn't help. But happily after an hour of resting and getting some lunch I began to feel better.

This evening we had a family dinner at our new dining room table; it was nice to have the whole family sitting together.

I'm looking forward to more days like today.