Friday, March 25, 2005


Fair warning, this is one of those gushy-I'm-so-in-love entries. If you don't like that sort of thing, feel free to skip it.

Eighteen years ago this past Wednesday, Alan and I became a couple. He was seventeen and I was fifteen. We were young yet he loved me with such intensity that it still takes my breath away to this day. He proposed to me way back when and I accepted. Little did I know that he was truly serious. I just thought he was being sweet and romantic.

The years have been tumultuous, adventure-filled, and loving. He's always made me laugh and feel special. Even when I fought against it, he protected me. One of his favorite stories to tell is the one about the male friend of ours that smacked me on the butt in high school. In a jealous fit he took the person into the restroom and had a come to Jesus talk with him and in the end, convinced him never to touch me like that again. Some may see that as adolescent jealousy but I know it as protection. He's always kept me safe and looked out for my welfare.

My Master, he's a wonderful, loving man. I don't think I tell him that enough. I am proud to belong to him and I'm honored to serve him.

I love you Master, thank you for not giving up on me.