Friday, March 11, 2005

Sick, sick, sick

Master and I both have colds. His is worse than mine. I'm guessing that is because he's been working himself to exhaustion for the last few weeks.

Of course mine just started yesterday and I've been using Zicam so that could be why mine isn't as severe, of course I could wake up tomorrow morning feeling like microwaved sh*t. Who knows? I'm keeping up the Zicam just in case.

It seems like a never-ending parade of life junk is keeping us down. Never fear! It's only temporary right?

Mark pointed out to me yesterday that I haven't done anything creative in quite a while. I haven't written any new stories in ages. More importantly, I haven't finished braiding the handles for Master's new canes. I've got to work on those. They'll be beautiful when they're finished and I know he'll really enjoy using them and showing them off.

I have had some creative urges so I know my creativity isn't dead, it's just in hibernation.