Monday, March 14, 2005

Real, true, serious, or not

I just love how those terms are used by some in the lifestyle as a means of belittling another. Most often they're used by those who are trying to make a point that they are true and real and others must not be because they don't hold the same positions and beliefs.

Actually, these same terms are used by any number of people in and out of the lifestyle to belittle others. You're not "real" if you don't believe X, Y, and Z.

It drives me bats. Who died and made these people the "true" and "real" police?

I understand having very strong beliefs and ideas, I understand wanting to defend them but defending them when they're not under attack by attacking first? I really don't see how this can be an effective means of communication.

To me, belittling another is nothing more than an attempt to shut them, and further communication, down. It seems to happen most often when someone is not open to different ideas and isn't tolerant of differences. You must do it my way or you're not doing it right. As I'm sure you can imagine this line of reasoning doesn't go over too well with me.

I'm a gray area kind of gal though I've been known to dabble in black and white on occasion. Even so, my ideas and beliefs are strong enough that they're not threatened by the ideas and beliefs of another. If you don't believe I'm a slave because I don't match YOUR definition of a slave that's fine. It doesn't matter one whit to me because I'm not involved with you.

Now, if my Master were to say to me that I'm acting very un-slavelike I'd likely be a little hurt and wonder what I was doing to make him say that. The point is he is the only person in this world that can tell me what I am in relation to him.

Maybe I'm just rambling senselessly. I'm just tired of the words "real" and "true" being used to bash others who have different ideas and beliefs.