Sunday, January 09, 2011

Progress-Nicked From FetLife

The general question asked was about progress through process. Process being the many, or few, steps needed to achieve a certain behavior modification, etc. in one's slave/property.

I see my Sir as the type to achieve progress through process. And there is a LOT of process with me. That is actually one thing I'm seriously working on, being less work, and taking less of his energy to "deal with". In my mind this is part of being a good slave, not being high maintenance, which I have been.

Back on point, Sir is much like a Pitbull (though he's described me as such as well lol). He won't let go of an issue or behavior until he's gotten through to me and we've worked it out. He won't remain silent and just let me run roughshod over him (thank the Gods!) but he's not forceful about it either, however he is relentless. If he thinks it's important he won't let it go and I think it's an admirable quality, even if I do fight against it at times, trying to re-establish some of my freedom, which I really don't want but seem to need when I feel cornered.

We've had an issue for quite some time now, we're at different points on the SM spectrum and for a long time he has been trying to show me that the way I act when I'm in extreme need of some heavy SM (for whatever reason), it appears unhealthy, as if my need for SM controls my life. I couldn't see it. It took the opinions of two different people who have varying depth of knowledge of my personality. But both opinions were very similar and both echoed what Sir has been saying for quite some time now. If he hadn't kept on it and on me I would never have gotten to the point of questioning myself and my behavior in this area.

It has been a long process but I finally understand and, having a degree of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), I have to admit that yes I do get somewhat obsessive about SM when I'm feeling stressed, lost, or at loose ends. I owe Sir an apology for arguing with him over it all this time and engaging in "trench warfare" over it.

Sir, I'm sorry.

In general I think I, myself, am a progress through process type of person. I take time and steps to get to whatever goal is set for me, or that I set for myself.

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