Monday, January 24, 2011

She Got a Pearl Necklace....

Master has been talking for a while about buying me a new collar. Something I can wear daily, anywhere, anytime.

I tried to remain stoic, usually keeping surprises drives him batty and much like a little kid he gets so excited about giving gifts that he wants to tell all and give the gift immediately. So yes, I teased him a bit and didn't admit curiosity, didn't ask questions. I can't help it 'sadist' is part of my kink make up too. lol

Eventually curiosity got me and I let the excitement show. I couldn't wait for it to arrive. I wanted to know but I wanted the surprise more so I didn't press for answers. He drew it out even after the collar arrived. He took me upstairs and had me sit on the bed while he opened it, very stealthily. Then, with collar hidden in his hand, he came toward me and showed me as he placed it around my neck.

A blushing pink pearl necklace. Real pearls!! I feel so classy and classic wearing them. They fit so well too, right around the base of my neck like his hand holding me.

My love affair with pearls started after watching Julie & Julia, one of my absolute favorite movies ever, and I developed an obsession. I looked at pearls everywhere and talked about wanting pearls often. Why pink? It's become my favorite color and I get just about everything in pink that I can.

Master listened and heard and decided to spoil his slave. Yeah, I know, spoiled rotten but I love being Daddy's princess.

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