Wednesday, March 17, 2004


"Without discipline, there's no life at all." -Katharine Hepburn
I found this quote, along with other superb journal prompts at Kindlings
So, I'm thinking, there's no life at all without discipline eh? I think that yes there is life without discipline but it's a very chaotic and unhappy life.

I'm a fairly undisciplined person and I'm slowly learning to be more disciplined. It is really difficult to retrain one's entire way of thinking and I slip and backslide occasionally. But with Master's help I think I am improving.

I find that I am more content when I discipline myself and keep things under control rather than letting them get out of control as a result of procrastination.

Yesterday I would have felt extremely guilty if I'd eaten the entire container of Pringles like I'd wanted to. But thanks to Master telling me I could only have a few, I was able to be content with just a few. I'm not sure how it worked really, my overeating urge tends to overrule everything but Master's control seemed to flip a switch in my head. I'll have to think more on that.

I definitely think that being disciplined helps one to have a happier and less chaotic life.