Thursday, February 26, 2004


Tuesday was a day and then some. Master and I both went to the doctor. He because he was ill and I because I'd been having some pains in my legs.
My visit went well, doc suggested diet and exercise and I agreed. His visit didn't go so well, his doc yelled at him for not taking care of his high blood pressure.

He seems to be taking the doc seriously this time and I'm relieved. For years he wouldn't take it seriously and wouldn't stay on the medications they'd prescribed. No amount of talking from me would convince him to take care of it. It took the doctor telling him point blank that he was going to have a stroke. Hearing that scared me too. I can't picture life without him and I don't want to.

His doc also suggested diet and exercise for him. So, the plan is to exercise together after he gets off work every day. The diet part has been a little more difficult as we both love food. But, as a Dom friend of ours pointed out, "Look where loving food has gotten you both.". He's right, loving food has gotten me to a size I can't stand and isn't helping Master's high blood pressure.

So now I have to try to look at food in a new light... eat to live don't live to eat. Eat to live don't live to eat. It is a good mantra to help me stay focused.

Making life changes like this, while not a big deal to some people, is scary to me. I know I'll feel better once I get past the first week or so of exercising. I remember actually feeling good about my body last year when I was exercising somewhat regularly.
So here we go, embarking on a new way of life for our health, for our life together.