Monday, February 02, 2004

Let it snow

...somewhere else. I mean really, we've had enough snow. I've had enough snow. Master had a little accident Friday because of the snow. He's okay, his car hit a patch of ice, spun out and ended up landing up over an embankment or something like that. The car is not okay, it cracked a back wheel and he thinks there's something wrong with the rear axel, he barely got it home.

So now we're down to one car which means Master will be using it during the week and I'll be stranded during the day. It sucks but it could be worse. I'm just thankful he's okay and that it wasn't more serious.

If it snows as much as they say it is going to we'll be snowed in tomorrow. The kid's schools will cancel and Master might not be able to get to work. This wouldn't be bad if there was some way to get the kids out of here. A day with Master all to myself would be very nice.