Tuesday, February 10, 2004

T-minus and counting

We leave for Chicago this Friday! I'm excited beyond words. Master bought me a beautiful dress for the formal dinner and even bought himself a tie! Master never wears a tie.

I'm looking forward to all the things we're going to see and do in Chicago.

Master has ordered a collar for me. Every now and then when I think too hard about it I get a little scared.

I get scared of the thought of something locked permanently around my neck. I'm not scared of the commitment it signifies or the ownership either. Just scared of something permanent around my neck for no good reason.

He owns me and he wants the world to see it. For the first time in my life I'm beginning to understand that I am a person of worth. He wants to own me because I am worth owning. I am valuable to him because of who I am, warts and all. And best of all, he loves me.