Sunday, February 29, 2004

Serving through the pain

Today my lower back hurts. The muscles are beginning to point out to me that they've gone unused too long and they're warning me that I can't leave them like this any longer.

I'm listening to them, I'm heeding their warning. This week we begin walking on the treadmill after Himself gets home from work. Next week, Pilates for Dummies will be added for me. That, more than anything will help my sore back. It will strengthen it.

This afternoon Master required sexual service, after much stretching and a good back rub. I was able to do as he wanted. He was gentle with me and was careful to be sure my back wasn't hurting. Too bad it stiffened up during the process, I had to hobble to the bathroom afterwards. The concern in his voice as he asked if I was okay was touching. I'm fine... sitting on heat for now and pumped full of ibuprofen to help reduce the muscle swelling. Next will be ice and perhaps a soak in a hot tub. I'm taking it easy today.

Last night, as I watched Ladyhawke Master talked about how excited he is about collaring me, the love he feels for me and the pride he takes in owning me surrounded me as he talked about the collar and our upcoming collaring ceremony.

Contentment? Someone on the LE group stated that contentment is dependent on many factors, not just on being owned or owning someone. Five or six years ago I wouldn't have been content with being owned. I wasn't ready then. I had a lot of baggage that kept me from knowing what contentment even was. But, I do think I was able to find contentment in being owned because becoming owned is a journey in and of itself. It has been a growth process which is by no means finished. During the growth process I've been able to put down a lot of the baggage that hindered me in the past.

Master asked if I was proud to be owned by him and my answer is yes. He has grown quite a bit himself. He is a man I can be proud to belong to. He is a man of integrity and honor. He's darn sexy too. *grins* I can be across the room from him and I feel his presence as if he were standing next to me. We've forged a very strong bond between us and he's right when he says the physical collar is just an outward symbol of what is already in my heart.