Friday, October 14, 2005


Things have been pretty low key around here with all the busyness and chaos we've had. In the past couple of days I've found myself fantasizing about crawling across his lap and presenting my bottom for a soft, sensual spanking. It's not really about the pain but the connection.

I've been feeling kind of disconnected from him. We each deal with stress and our emotions differently but one thing we seem to have in common is this, we turn inward only reaching out when our need is great. This isn't to say that we're not there for the other and that we don't reach out. It's just that it takes us a while. We try to work it out on our own first.

I think I'm finally at a point where I'm ready to reconnect and the way I seem to need/want to do it is through physical closeness. When he spanks me he alternates strikes with strokes of his hand across my bottom, my back, my thighs. It is such a luxurious and comforting feeling.

Sometimes I really ache to be touched, I ache for skin to skin contact. Not necessarily sexual touching either. Just touching. I love having my back stroked, it's soothing to me.

I like doing the touching too. I pet and stroke Master's chest, belly, and sometimes his back if he'll let me. His skin is extra sensitive so touching often feels like a tickle to him.

I'd love to spend a day, just he and I, naked and touching.

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