Thursday, October 27, 2005

Long Time No Type

I realized today that it's been a while since I've written anything and decided I ought to remedy that situation.

There really isn't a lot that's been going. Well, there has been the usual busyness of daily life. HRS jarred every muscle in her back at 3 a.m. Monday morning during a freefall from the top rungs of her bunk bed ladder to the floor with a short landing against an open closet door on the way down. She's OK, the doc assures us that nothing is seriously injured, she's just going to be sore for a while.

I've been working on being a good student and getting my assignments done.

I took some time today and forced myself to begin an exercise program. I've been putting it off for ages. Always too busy, too tired, too sore, etc. Today I decided that I've *got* to take care of myself. So, I popped the Walk Away the Pounds DVD (that LMR made for me months ago) into the DVD rom in the computer and started walking. I wanted to quit when my muscles started protesting but I kept going. I did it until my back started aching a little and then I let myself stop. It was only 15 minutes today, tomorrow I'm shooting for 20. Every minute I exercise is progress and a step toward a healthier me. I need to come back and re-read this tomorrow when I'm once again finding excuses to not exercise.

On the M/s front things have improved, I think. Master has been asserting himself more and I think I've softened quite a bit. I feel more balanced and like all is right with the world. Last night I was tired, I wanted to read my book and go to sleep. Master wanted an orgasm and instead of arguing I got into position and proceeded to take care of business. You know how when you get all snuggled into bed and it just feels SO good and SO comfy? That's how I felt lying there stroking Master's cock. I wasn't going to get any attention other than his hand absently stroking and cupping my behind but it just didn't matter. I was happy to be taking care of him. THAT feeling is what I'd been missing for so long. Contentment.

Master took pity on his pouty little girl last night and let me watch the Disney channel original Halloween movie, Twitches. I've been wanting to see it but I've either been at work or Master won't watch it because he really doesn't like that sort of thing. Every year I love to watch the Disney channel Halloween movies, it's all part of the season for me, but this year I haven't really been able to because I've been at work OR they're on, on the weekends when Master is home. So, I was a happy little girl last night sitting on the couch in my jammies after work and watching Twitches. Yep, life is good.

There's absolutely no news, other than what ZBoy hears through the grapevine, about LMR. I think about her and I worry but it's not all-consuming any longer. I think we're all adjusting to her absence and accepting that this is the way things are going to be.

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