Saturday, October 08, 2005

Parenthood Heartbreak

I wasn't going to post about this but I need to get it out of me. Last night Little Miss Raincloud decided to leave home for good. Last night I wasn't upset, last night I was firm and accepting. Master was sick with worry. Last night when I went to bed my last thoughts were a silent wish for her "Be safe".

This morning I'm sad. This morning I feel her absence. I thought I'd detached enough from her to not worry, to not feel this sadness at her absence. I guess I was wrong.

She left because we grounded her for skipping school yesterday. We were both certain that as soon as we disciplined her she'd bolt and we were right. She's got balls though, this girl. She tried getting her father to take her to her boyfriend's house, where we're pretty sure she's staying, after she got off work. Too bad for her I'd already spoken to him and told him what was going on.

I'm angry with her childish behavior. I'm angry and hurt because she'd called my cell phone while I was at work, I called her back an hour later to see what she'd needed and by then she was already gone but didn't say anything to me about being gone.

This parenting thing sucks. It's heartbreaking. I just keep hoping she's safe and that some common sense will eventually seep into her teenaged brain.

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