Friday, April 21, 2006

And so it goes..

So, life is moving along. Master has taken to wiping me after I urinate, we're both enjoying it. It is a nice way to set aside some very specific Master/slave time. Of course, he also takes it as an opportunity to tease me sexually.

I've been off work for well over a week now, first due to the cramping pain I was having and now due to the pain patch. Last week the doc doubled my dose as I'd developed a tolerance to the lower dose. I'm having the devil's own time of getting accustomed to the new dose. It's left me dizzy and nauseated and now, with the Compazine they gave me for the nausea, I'm fighting to stay awake most of the time. It's not fun. The doctor is supposed to be considering lowering my dose to a midway point between the lower one and the one I'm on now. I just wish they'd call me back and get it started so I can get back to work.

Spring term at school is almost over and before I know it, I'm going to be graduating. I've decided that I definitely want to participate in the commencement ceremony next spring. This is a big accomplishment for me and I really want to celebrate it with my friends and family. I'd like to have a little party with cake and punch after the ceremony too. It will be my very first graduation, ever. I had to quit high school and get my GED so, this is pretty special to me. I just hope I can get through the ceremony without crying my eyes out.

We've been talking more about what comes next and we've also talked about Master finding a new job. We're both considering moving to another town for work. With the line of work Master is in, there aren't many companies here in town so he has to look in other towns. It's really hard to think about moving away from friends and family but I'm willing to do what's necessary in order for Master to be happy and to find job satisfaction.

I've been tagged by Miss Theresa so, without further ado...

20 years ago I...
1. lost my virginity
2. got my braces removed
3. had no idea that life could get a lot harder

10 years ago I...
1. quit smoking cigarettes
2. was about thirty pounds lighter
3. didn't think life would get any better

5 years ago I...
1. started going to college (yes I'm slow!)
2. was diagnosed with asthma
3. had my nipple pierced

3 years ago I...
1. began traveling the road toward M/s with Alan
2. had my world shattered
3. began putting the pieces back together again

1 year ago I...
1. started working in customer service
2. was sure the world would end because of it
3. learned that I was wrong

So far this past year I...
1. have stuck with the job
2. learned to live in spite of the obstacles in my way
3. found that I really like spankings

Yesterday I...
1. felt excited about the prospect of moving to another town for a job
2. got to spend some time with my family
3. urged HRS to read a book

Tomorrow I will...
1. take pictures of LMR and ZBoy before they go to prom with their dates
2. probably sniffle a little at how beautiful and grown-up they look
3. enjoy the quiet time with HRS and Master after the older two have left

In the next year I will...
1. graduate from college (yes, yes, still slow)
2. get healthier
3. see at least one of the older kids move out on their own

I won't tag anyone, if you'd like to do this let me know so I can come read your answers. :-)

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