Friday, April 28, 2006

No Brainer

This is to be filed under "what the heck was I thinking?!" I went to see Silent Hill with my sister last night and I think it was a mistake. I'm still haunted by the creepy images burned into my brain. There are certain things in movies that will creep me out, make a spooky character move in a way no human could or should move and you're sure to have my skin crawling and have me peeking from between my fingers. Don't ask why, I can't explain it, it's just one of the things that peg my freakoutometer.

I know this about myself, yet I still go to see these kinds of movies. I ask myself, "Self, why do we do these sorts of things?" Myself never really answers me back, that'd make me crazy wouldn't it? Anyway, the movie is creepy, good story but creepy movie. I was skittish the whole drive home and didn't feel even a teeny bit better til I got home and curled up on the couch to watch the last 20 minutes or so of The Incredibles. Kids' movies are my comfort, they soothe me when I'm scared, upset, whatever.

I had a few bad dreams when I went to bed, woke up with a start thinking someone had whispered to me, then forced myself to roll over and go back to sleep. Today I'm still having random images from the movie flit through my mind at the oddest times. While my eyes were closed as I shampooed my hair, the creepy crawly moving guy scooted on his way. It took a lot to keep my eyes closed at that point.. I wanted to "change the channel" and opening my eyes is the best way to do so.

I know, it's silly for a grown woman to be scared or creeped out to this extent by a movie but I am. Master will probably read this and shake his head, he knows this about me and mutely watches as I perform these masochistic acts over and over again.

Now I'll go to work and regale my co-workers with little stories about the movie in the hopes of exorcising whatever demon it has become in my mind.

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