Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Hormone Blitz

I should have this warning label attached to my person, perhaps glued to my forehead.

I thought I'd managed to escape it. I thought that since I wasn't feeling weepy all the time that my hormones were just fine and dandy. I thought wrong. The last few days have shown me that my hormones are indeed, out of whack. Every cross word Master has said, even words that aren't intended to be cross, feel like personal insults and my feelings get hurt.

The night before it was his tone when he said I couldn't see a movie on a weeknight. I was nearly in tears over it because it felt like he was being mean to me for no good reason. Then last night it was something he said that wasn't nice. He'd done a huge favor for me that turned out to be a huge hassle and he said, jokingly, that he'd been thinking to himself that I wouldn't do anything like that for him. That really hurt my feelings. It felt like he was discounting everything I've ever done for him and that he had a low opinion of me. I got so upset over it and couldn't control the feelings. I even tried to relax and let it go. I was in the car on the way home, the conversation was on my cell phone, I turned on classical music and tried a few deep breaths. It didn't help. We did talk and resolve this situation, he said he could see how what he said would feel hurtful and apologized for it.

In the light of day it all seems so silly. Why get so upset over small things like that? I don't normally get that upset. I know this is hormonal and not me, I'm feeling pretty blue today and don't have any real reason to feel that way. I had a good day yesterday, found out that working from home is a distinct possibility instead of just an eventual possibility. I visited a sort of local hospital that has an in-house and at-home transcription department. I wouldn't even have to live locally to work for them, I think I wouldn't even have to move to work for them. The lady in charge of the department seems really great, I instantly liked her and could see myself working for her.

So, I'm trying to ride the hormones out and hoping I still have a Master and husband when it's all said and done. I hate being like this and I'm sure I'm making him miserable. I just can't seem to help it. The feelings jump up at me and overtake me before I know what's going on. I was in a good mood last night, I'd had a great night at work, and in an instant I was upset and hurt. I want to try to be conscious of what's going on, try to take a few deep breaths before I open my mouth, it just doesn't seem like there's time between the emotion hitting my brain and the words/reaction spilling out.

Can someone explain why hormones get so wacky after a procedure that has nothing to do with the ovaries at all? I'm not the only woman this has happened to. On the EA discussion board numerous ladies talk about it. I didn't believe it, didn't think it'd happen to me, and actually thought it hadn't happened. Sometimes all I can do is sit here thinking WTF?!

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