Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Every day I feel a little more improved, stronger. Sunday night and Monday, however, were a bit of a setback as I began to have more abdominal pain instead of less. It wasn't until it started feeling like my bladder was spasming that I realized it was probably a bladder infection and took appropriate measures. Since doing so things seem to be calming down nicely.

I took yesterday and today off work so I can continue to rest and heal with the firm plan to go back tomorrow. My supervisor seemed to be very understanding but then again, she gets paid the big bucks to sound that way. *chuckles* Either way, I'm not going to fret over whether or not it's okay that I've taken this time. I need it and that's that.

It's been a little frustrating in that I'd dearly love to take a bubble bath but that's on the no-no list for another few weeks at least. Why is it when I can't do things I want to do them most? Always contrary, that's me.

Master has been really great through all of this, I think he was probably worried too but didn't talk about it. It seems like he's needed recovery time after my surgery almost as much as I have.

Overall the experience has been a good one. I think I'll always be nervous about surgery, specifically about anesthesia but I don't feel as afraid of it as I did last week. It could be argued that's due to me being on this side of the experience but I don't think that's entirely it. I've finally had an anesthetic experience that didn't feel as if I were being drowned. I've also learned to be more assertive with doctors and nurses. If I'm nervous I feel no shame in asking for something to settle me down. If that's what it takes to get me through then that's what I'll do.

We have about two to three weeks before we find out if the procedure will help at all with the heavy periods. I'm sure it will have taken care of the mid-cycle bleeding as the polyps were causing that. But, the heavy periods, the bane of my existence these last 12 years, that's what I'm most eager to be rid of. It's almost impossible to imagine what life would be like with lighter periods. How does the average woman with light periods buy personal products? That's something I'm hoping to learn. *smiles*

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