Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Another One Bites The Dust

Master stayed home sick today, as did I. I was having some IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) troubles and needed to stay home and alleviate a certain problem. This alleviation is done by way of a warm water enema and up until today they've been self-administered.

Today Master decided that he was going to bulldoze his way through yet another limit of mine. I've constantly held firm that there was no way I'd let him administer an enema for me, it's always seemed too close to scat play for me. Until today he'd respected my feelings on the matter. Ordinarily it's not been an issue for him, he knows that enemas can make me physically ill but thanks to IBS and the addition of yet another pain med, I need them every now and again. Oddly enough, at these times the enema doesn't make me ill. Go figure. I guess today was the perfect opportunity and one he wasn't going to let pass him by.

I didn't believe he really wanted to do it at first. I thought he was just putting me on just to enjoy the my discomforted reaction. No such luck. I asked him "Are you really serious about doing this?" I wasn't a very happy camper and I even accused him of taking advantage of the situation. Duh! Sadist! I can't claim to have been thinking clearly. I was flustered and uncomfortable with what was about to happen. It just seemed so humiliating to have him administer an enema, but I needed it and I didn't think he'd have let me off the hook if I whined. So, without any complaints I went into the bathroom and knelt on the floor while he prepared the applicator. He used plenty of lubrication on my bottom and on the applicator so as to make insertion easier. I was thankful that he at least refrained from making any sort of teasing comments while the hot water bottle emptied its contents into my bowels.

Strangely enough, once I'd gotten past the whole "Oh gawd I'm so humiliated" I didn't feel humiliated. Instead I felt... come on you know what I'm going to say....very submissive. My Master was taking care of me and doing something that would ultimately make me feel better. Thinking back on it now I wish he would have stroked my bottom and my back during the process. It would have felt soothing and comforting. Somehow I think there will be a next time so perhaps he'll consider my wish to be a request.

I don't know if he expected it, but taking that control from me and actually administering an enema turned him on. He enjoyed it quite a bit and was sure to show me the evidence of his pleasure while I curled up on the bed waiting afterwards. It was a little while later, perhaps a half an hour, when I realized how much it had affected me. I was aroused, and not just a little aroused either. I was very aroused and very wet.

A year ago I'd have rather died than submit to an enema administered by anyone but a medical professional, and even then I'd probably have suggested to them that I could manage on my own. It's just interesting, he seems to know the right time to push the envelope of experience with me. He's been teasing me for quite some time, a few years at least, about giving me an enema but has never pushed the issue. Perhaps he's been gauging my responses? I don't know. I've never deviated from my standard response that I'm aware of. Maybe he's seen the same thing our dominant friend has been remarking on, the higher visibility of my "slave side".

I'm really pleased with the experience all in all and I'm really thankful he allowed me the privacy to "finish" alone. Now that would have been difficult to bear. I'm sorry that Master was home sick but at the same time, it afforded us an opportunity that we might not have had otherwise so I can't be too sorry. *smiles*

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