Saturday, October 28, 2006

"Vanilla" D/s Moments

There's been a lot going on this week with Master being ill and me having a bit of trouble myself. But something happened to make the ordinary extraordinary.

Master and I were in the grocery store, he wanted to leave but I wanted to take one more look for an item I hadn't yet found. It was in this looking that we were stopped by an older gentleman who looked for all the world like a farmer in his denim bib overalls and big baggy coat. Actually, it was Master he stopped with a polite "Excuse me." He looked at Master and pointed to me and said "Her shirt says 'Bad Girl', is she a bad girl?" Master chuckled and said "Oh yeah, she's definitely a 'Bad Girl', very bad." I blushed and got this silly grin that stayed plastered to my face for quite some time. I couldn't quit grinning, I enjoyed the entire exchange. I'm sure everyone will interpret things differently but it made me feel very submissive, very much like property, and even a bit childlike. The man talked about me instead of to me. Master also talked about me instead of to me. Of course after we'd all gone our separate ways I looked at Master and said "I may be a bad girl but I'm very good at it." I giggled afterwards as he agreed with me. He likes his bad girl.

I shared this experience with some close friends and one of them responded, pointing out that you just never know how much some people really do know. You also never know just what some people might do behind closed doors. Master suggested the possibility that the gentleman is a farmer but has a full dungeon on his farm. If that was the case then I wonder, do we give off a vibe that indicates our relational roles? Or are we just that obvious? I'm going to have to try to pay attention to how we act in the grocery store and to the people around us. If they're staring then I guess we're being obvious.

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