Friday, October 13, 2006

Blissfully Sore

Nope, not that kind of sore. There's been no SM around here this week, unless you count the other night when he took the evil little knife and lightly dragged it across the insides of my thighs while I was sitting on the commode going potty. Gods I love that little knife, it fits in the palm of the hand when closed and isn't all that much bigger when opened. The blade is super sharp and curves into a nasty little point. It did this a few weeks ago. Not everyone's cuppa but it sure makes me purr.

No, today isn't kinky sore, it's being sore from pushing my body too far beyond what it can do, which these days isn't too terribly much at all. I cleaned our bedroom today, dusted, vacuumed, and scrubbed in the adjoining bathroom. I did a load of dishes and a couple of loads of laundry too. I'm just glad Master understands me well enough to just accept that I need to do these things despite the resulting pain. I think he knows I'm not going to intentionally push my body to the point of causing further injury. I'm not that much of a masochist. But I do need to be able to serve him in this way. He's working so much OT lately and is barely here long enough to eat and sleep. I'm hoping he'll let me plan a couple of crock pot meals that I can throw together before I leave for work so he doesn't have to come home after a 12-hour day and try to summon the energy to cook dinner.

So yeah, my back hurts tonight, all the way down to the bottoms of my feet, my limp is a little more pronounced, and I'm pretty well exhausted from the pain. But I'm sitting here smiling because he's got a clean bedroom to sleep in, a clean mirror to look at himself in, and a clean sink to brush his teeth in (and make a mess of all over again ;-) ).

There is no wanting in me tonight, I don't want more this, or more that. I'm right where I need to be, doing the things I need to be doing. Sure I have limitations and it'd probably be a wise choice to divide the cleaning chores up into smaller chunks to be done daily instead of doing the whole thing in one day, but they're limitations, not limits. I don't know if that distinction makes sense to anyone else but me. A limit, to me, is something I cannot, will not, do. It's a line drawn in the sand, go here and no further. A limitation is something you adapt to, you work around it, but you don't stop just because it's there. That's me, today at least.

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