Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Slave's Purpose

Last night Master and I were out with part of the Tribe. They're M/s like Master and I and he's the one that Master is plotting a slave switch day with. Knowing both of them as I do it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the whole thing was a mindf*ck. They're really taking a lot of delight in making us girls nervous about what they're planning. Of course, they could also want us to believe it's just a mindf*ck when it's really going to happen. They're very devious and think the mind is a great playground. Yep, I'm onto you guys and I know anything is possible.

Anyway, he was talking about how he feels a slave's primary thought should always be "How can I please my Master today?" In an ideal world yeah, I agree. Unfortunately we're not in an ideal world and I didn't check my humanity at the door when I accepted Master's collar. My goal is always to find ways to please my Master, to make his life easier. I'd say, and I hope Master will correct me if he disagrees, that I accomplish that on most days. But there are things I will struggle with, I'm human. There are things I may not be capable of doing, either because my body is unable to comply, or because my mind is incapable of moving past baggage or trauma.

If we run into those kinds of road blocks does that make me less pleasing? Does it make me a failure as a slave or less a slave than one who doesn't have those road blocks? I don't think so. I think that if I'm trying, if I'm making an honest effort and just cannot accomplish the task, it should be accepted as the effort it is instead of treated as a failure. This is different than a refusal to comply and no, a refusal to comply should not be accepted.

I'd be crushed if Master treated me like I'd failed him as a slave for being unable to do something. (I think I've said this before) Eventually, if he kept acting as if I'd failed, it would wear down my self-esteem. I do base some of my self-worth on what he thinks of me. I don't care if it's healthy, or co-dependent, it's just what I do. My Master's opinion of me is extremely important to me. He is the only person that has been allowed that close to me and he could destroy me with one word. Yes, I've given him that much power, I trust him that much.

Another question comes to mind for me. If a slave's primary thought should be how to please her Master, what should his primary thought be?

At one point in the conversation he (our dominant friend) asked me "What do you think of petticoats?" The first thing that popped into my head was "It sounds complicated." After further reflection I can say more fully that in fantasy it sounds very fun, in reality it would feel strange. It's not my style to dress up that girly even if I do love the more romantic type fashions. So I'd feel uncomfortable and as if I were wearing a costume. Now, my ideal "fantasy" costume would be a kimono. To me, they are utterly feminine and so delicate, yet, not girly. If that makes any sense. Heh!

I understand the motivation behind wanting to dress me up in petticoats, etc. It would be so vastly different from the way I normally dress, even when I'm dressed up. It would make me extremely uncomfortable and would probably throw me off my game a bit because I'd be preoccupied with the clothing and my discomfort in it. However, I'm already going to be off my game. I've never served another, not really. I'm trained in a specific way, if there is something Master requests that I find distasteful, he likes to see it in my expression. I don't know how to keep my emotions and thoughts from showing on my face and in my eyes. This is what makes me a terrible liar, by the way.

And what this has to do with a slave's purpose... well, it would please my Master to see me serve another so I have been spending a lot of time thinking about it and trying to sort out how I could do it successfully. He likes that I'm struggling with the entire concept of being given in service to another and he likes that I would struggle with not being able to serve him directly. I don't know how I will adapt to a dominant style that is so different from the one I'm accustomed to. I do recognize the merits of this type of switch, I imagine I'd learn quite a bit from the experience.

I know I've rambled and not really made a lot of sense but I needed to get it out of my head and in print so I can sort it all out. I just think that saying a slave's primary thought should be how to please her Master is rather limited. I think it goes without saying that if one is a consensual slave one already has that desire, that need, to serve and please one's owner. We're already looking for ways to please our owners, it's just that sometimes the things owners want are beyond our capabilities. Sometimes it's only a matter of getting one's head around the situation in order to be able to comply. Sometimes it's simply something we cannot do despite our best efforts, if that is the case it is unfair to treat it as a failure. Would you, as a dominant want to be thought of as a failure because there was some domly type of activity that you were unable to do or that you struggled with? I think not.

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