Monday, October 16, 2006

Mondays-I Hate Mondays

I swear to Pete, the Universe really is out to get me. Either that or my kids are all just mean and don't want to see me happy.

I had plans today. I was going to see Sir, he was going to come visit me, I was going to dress up in sexy clothes and make up for him, and we were going to have a little (lot of) fun. On the drive to take LMR to school she dashed my plans and shattered them to bits with just a simple sentence. "I'm not going to work today [boyfriend] is going to take me to the library instead." That's it, and she's still here, sleeping and waiting for his return call. Had she been a biddable child she would have been swayed by my reasoning that she should work today and go to the library tomorrow when she had more time. Seeing the way things are going, that would have been the better plan anyway. But no, it's more fun to ruin mom's plans for the day.

So no Sir, no sex, no sexy stories to leave for Master to read when he gets home. I'm really, really, really, bummed. It's not fair. I haven't seen my Sir in, oh, more than a month I think, probably closer to two months. Nothing ever seems to work out. The last time we made plans to get together both he and Master were sick with allergies. Next time it'll probably be the evil monthly fairy.

I feel frantic to be able to make time to see him. I'm trying to get a day job and once that happens I'll no longer have my days free for him. It's kind of difficult to keep a relationship going when you don't have *any* face time whatsoever and your communication is kind of sparse. I'm just really unhappy with the way things turned out today.

I hate Mondays.

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