Thursday, July 07, 2005

Possible Relief

I got a bit of good news/hope in my business inbox last night. I've been invited for an interview next week for a job I'd applied for.

I was absolutely giddy after I read the e-mail. A shout of "YEAH!" slipped out before I caught myself. I don't usually shout out like that but, well, one little shout is OK. I looked sheepishly at Master after doing it, not that he'd mind, and said "I got an interview!" He looked as relieved as I felt.

If I can manage to get the job it will make things MUCH easier. Initially it will be rough, the first two weeks are spent in training from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. M-F. After that I can opt to work 3-7 p.m. which would be more ideal. I'd be able to be here during the day and again in the evening and still bring in some money.

I'm a bit worried about the training period. I know I'm going to hurt, probably a lot. I hate pain that isn't the fun kind, the kind that will stop when Master's had enough. It became my existence not so long ago, it consumed my life and took a lot of the joy out of it. So yeah, I'm scared of that happening again but the need for $$ far outweighs those fears, for now.

Watch this spot, I'm supposed to interview Tuesday afternoon and I'm sure I'll have something to say afterwards. *chuckles*

Right now I'm just happy that they're giving me a chance, that I've got a chance to give Master some stress relief. That feels really good.

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