Thursday, January 06, 2005

A bit behind

I don't think I'm going to make my Holidailies goal and that makes me a little bit sorry. I got off to a good start but missed a day or two here and there due to being too wrung out to write.

Overall I'd say the Holidailies experience was a good one. I read journals that I'd never have found on my own and even picked up a couple of new favorites.

It also challenged me to think and to try to write more than just fluff. I think if there's a Holidailies challenge next year I'd definitely like to give it another go.

I've found that, on the days I didn't write and on the days that I couldn't write, words and ideas kept building inside me. I ended up writing a couple of novel sized e-mails to a few people to let off a bit of the pressure.

Still that wasn't enough and I finally resorted to putting a few entries down in Word and saved them for posting in my journal when I could.
I never knew journaling could become a need. I'm glad I took the challenge and I feel like I've seen it through even if I didn't meet the goal.