Sunday, January 02, 2005

Lazy Sunday

Today was a lazy day; Master let me sleep in until I was woken by the smell of breakfast cooking.

Master was cooking breakfast for everyone in the house. It all started with the most delicious smelling bacon that had my mouth watering all the way down the stairs.

I was happily surprised to find that he was making breakfast and even more surprised when he served me breakfast as I lounged on the couch. I felt so pampered and spoilt. He really is a wonderful man.

The kids enjoyed having a hot breakkie too. I have to say it was an excellent start to a pretty good day.

Master and I spent the rest of the day book shopping for me, then snow boot shopping for HRS, and finally a trip to Lowe's for Master.

M'Lady gave Master and me wonderful "HoHo" gifts this year, I got a gift card to Barnes and Noble and Master was given a gift card to Lowes.

I'm pleased to say that I ended up with four very delectable books that I'm taking my time with. In no particular order I got Bite, a vampire anthology with Laurell K. Hamilton and four other excellent authors; Wormwood, a fantasy story whose author I can't recall; Carrie's Story, S&M erotica by Molly Weatherfield; and finally The Story of O which I've been dying to read for quite some time now. M'Lady knows my appetite for books only too well. I've made my way through her entire vampire collection in record time.

Master bought some nice work gloves for himself at Lowe's and then bought a couple of nice dowels for me to turn into canes for him. One is a nice solid oak, and the other is springy pine. I can't wait to get them started and finished. Much as I profess to hate canes, in a perverse way I love them. Master loves his canes too. I think when I'm finished with the new ones he'll have enough to do an entire scene with nothing but canes. Mmmmm that would be delicious wouldn't it?