Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I’ve always held to the Garfield philosophy, diet is just DIE with a t on the end. That and I’m not fat I’m under tall. What can I say? I have a lot in common with the witty, lasagna eating feline.

However, Master has decided that this little slave girl is going to shrink. I’ll be the incredible shrinking woman and everyone will be astonished at how quickly I change. I realize that bit is a fantasy so I’ll keep it firmly tucked in the closet of my mind. I wish it worked that way, really I do. It’s better than the reality of struggling to stick to a diet when I’m craving sweets or just food in general, because I feel as if I’m starving. Not that I will be starving mind you, I’ll just feel like it because of the reduction in caloric intake. I’ll be eating “normal” portions and cutting out sugar and bad carbohydrates.

We’re going to do a diabetic diet. There are several reasons behind this, one of them being that it’s one of the healthiest diets out there and is focused on improving one’s health instead of losing weight alone. It’s also one that can be sustained in the long term. Those are both major factors for us. We both have a family history of diabetes and Master has had high blood pressure for years. The diabetes we’d like to prevent and we’re hoping that a better diet, together with the medication, will help bring his blood pressure down even farther. We’d both like to have the other around for a good long time and I don’t want to be bedridden for any of that time. IF I stayed at my present weight the chances are good that my back would deteriorate to the point that I’d end up bed ridden much of the time, just like my mother. Not a pleasant thought at all.

So, beginning next week, I’m going to use the treadmill daily. That by itself will go a long way towards improving things.

I’m trying to focus on the health benefits of all this but it’s hard to get over my old attitudes about diets and dieting. It does help that Master is doing this with me. I only hope he can stay strong enough for both of us. I’m not the only one who likes to eat and eating because you love to eat is a hard habit to break. It’s almost like trying to break an addiction.

Actually, it’s a lot like breaking an addiction only you still have to have daily contact with that addiction. You have to eat to live, there’s no way around it. I’m not trying to minimize the difficulty in breaking other addictions I’m just saying it’s easier because you can totally remove the addicting thing from your life. Not so with food.

I have to accept that I am a food addict I’m a food junkie it makes me feel good to eat. Food has been my comfort and my reward for more years than I care to think about. We’re both using support and I’m glad of that. We’ll need it.

Still, instead of being excited about the changes I’m thinking about the chocolate I can’t have and the occasional Cokes I have to give up, and the caffeine withdrawal. *groaning*
Some time later
I'm not feeling as negative now as I was earlier. I played with this virtual model online and saw what I could look like if I lost even just 30 pounds. It was enough to help motivate me and make me squeal with delight at the thought of all the new clothes I could fit into.

Nothing like an excellent reason to get new clothes right? In all reality what I'm really looking forward to is feeling better.

Master and I talked a bit about our health goals tonight. I think we're on the right track and we're both ready for it.