Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Something fun

From kaylee at Kindlings

Something different:

1. What is your favorite scene from a book or movie that evoked a sense of your slavery? Various scenes from Carrie's Story by Molly Weatherfield. Each time Carrie realizes she's internalized a bit more of her slavery reminds me of those moments in my own life.

2. What song or lyric reminds you of your dynamic?

My Lover by Melissa Etheridge:

My lover needs to seize
Bring me to my knees
Reads me like a
Calls the spirit there
Secretly inspires
Strips me to desire
I wonder

No one can visualize
No one can make me rise
Like my lover
They dream of paradise
They'll never ever pay the
My lover

3. What is your favorite quote?
"Pain is just the fear leaving your body"

4. What is your favorite form of service?
Domestic, I really enjoy taking care of Master's needs.

5. Do you have any phobias?
Heights, flying (sort of ties in with the heights), spiders, accidental cuts.

6. Do you want to get past your phobias, or accept them and work around your fears?
Yes and no. I accept them, but I'm not sure I can work around my fears.

7. How do you communicate when you are angry/upset?
I snap and growl at people when I'm angry, when I'm upset I sort of withdraw into myself.

8. How does your owner expect you to communicate when you are angry/upset?
He expects me to talk to him and to do it in a civil tone.

9. Do you ever feel 'pet' like?
Sometimes I do.

10. Do you prefer dogs or cats?
Ferrets, they're cute and playful like kittens all their lives and they don't grow out of it.

11. Do you prefer 'sting' or 'thud'?
Thud, definitely thud.

12. What aspect of your life is hardest to surrender control over?
My personal space, or what I imagine to be my space anyway.

13. Do you function better in a structured environment or a 'go with the flow' type of environment?
I like a little bit of both but mostly I like structure and direction.

14. When do you feel the most beautiful?
When Master is looking at me with obvious lust in his eyes.

15. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday when I read anissa's recounting of her mother's death and her resultant feelings in her journal.

16. How many M/s dynamics have you been in?

17. If your current one ended, would you seek to be owned again?
Eventually, I think I would. It's an inherent need in me, to be owned.

18. Were you seeking ownership in any of your dynamics or did it occur as a natural progression?
I think I was seeking it and it did occur as a natural progression.

19. Do you make resolutions- at New Year’s or any other time of the year?
Yeah, I resolve not to make any resolutions.

20. Do you believe in 'forever'?
Yes. Some things have to be believed to be seen