Monday, December 27, 2004

Absolutism in M/s

This topic has come up more than once on the LE list and each time it gets my hackles up. Yet, I remain silent. Why? Because others usually say what I'm thinking and it seems silly to "me too". One can only read the same thing over and over again before they begin to feel as if they're being bludgeoned with opinions.

So, I've saved my opinions for my journal.

I see absolute M/s relationships as a sort of ideal, something folks dream about or aspire to but never quite reach. I can't seem to get my head around how absolute M/s works with real life. Comments were made on the list to the effect that a slave's well-being comes second to the Master's wishes and that the Master may do whatever he/she wishes to do to the slave. Apparently this includes physical injury, mental harm, and even death.

I just can't understand how this absolutist view of M/s works with day to day life. What if the slave falls ill and is delirious with fever and simply cannot move and serve as expected? Surely the owner wouldn't punish this as a failure to serve? Yet, the way I understand the absolutist view, that would be the case.

Honestly, reading what the absolutists have to say, it sounds like they're saying it's OK to damage one's property simply because it's their right to do so. I violently disagree with this viewpoint, it seems very irresponsible to me.

I realize that there are those for whom this is appealing, for me, this is just plain scary. Granted, I have had moments of such total surrender that I would willingly give my life if that would please him. However, I think that type of surrender is possible because I trust that he won't take my life. He has demonstrated by word, and by deed, that he takes his responsibility very seriously.

I believe that when you take on responsibility for another life, be it human or animal, that responsibility includes caring for the health and well-being of that life. It does not include inflicting harm and the responsibility doesn't end when you've grown tired of it.

Obviously this is a subject I feel very strongly about. I just can't abide irresponsible ownership. Sometimes I get concerned that we'll all get painted with the absolutist brush. For instance, I wouldn't want my mother or my sister to get the idea that my Master would treat me irresponsibly just because we identify as M/s.

I think of D/s and M/s as a relationship or a partnership. It doesn't always include love but it does include responsibility for both parties. It is a power exchange, sometimes the power ebbs and flows depending on what day to day life is throwing at you.

Perhaps there is a responsible and ethical way to practice absolute M/s, I just haven't seen one presented yet.