Friday, December 03, 2004


This past week has been something else. Things at Master's workplace keep deteriorating. Nothing seems to improve so he's looking elsewhere for work. The thing is, most likely, to get his foot in the door he'll have to work overnight for a while. I have major mixed feelings about this.

Master worked overnight while the kids were little; in fact he has only worked days for the past couple of years. I was miserable, our relationship was in trouble, it was like we lived separate lives, and I felt like a single parent. These things pop into my head every time I hear 'third shift' and I bristle defensively.

Our relationship is so good now and I want to protect that, I want to keep what we have. So, I respond defensively and nay say him working 'third shift'. It's not right that I do it but I can't help being scared of losing all the good we've accomplished. Logically I know he's not the same man he was then but emotionally, I'm gun shy.

As I listened to Master's reassurances last night and his reasons for needing to change employers, I did my best to put my emotions aside. I will support him no matter what decision he makes.

School is finished for the term, I took my final test last night and as far as I can tell, I did pretty well. I feel relieved to have it all finished. Now all I have to stress about is getting a flipping job to help out with X-mas. I get so frustrated with temp agencies, they take their own sweet time finding a person a job, not realizing that every day they take is one more day without much needed extra money for me. *sigh* What can I do but wait upon their leisure?