Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Company doesn't like misery

I wish I had something witty to write but the truth is I'm just too tired to think of anything.

Master is working some really awful hours this week and I'm a bit wrung out from working. Somehow I'm going to manage to make some almond bark covered pretzels and almond bark candy before the weekend. I'm actually looking forward to it. There's something satisfying about cooking for others. The kids don't know it yet but I'm going to rope them into helping me make sugar cookie cut-outs.

It's almost Christmas and we finally got some snow. Just a little bit, and it's just right. I want it to stick around until Saturday and then Sunday it can go somewhere else. That would suit me just fine. Of course we know that Mother Nature will do as She pleases regardless of my little feelings on the issue.

I'm really looking forward to having family here this weekend. Well, everyone but my mother. I'm actually hoping she'll cancel on us. The last few times that we've spoken on the phone it's clear that her mood is just getting worse; she always nuts out around the holidays. I just wish she'd get a grip on herself. I can't remember a single holiday that she didn't pout, have a fit, go nutters, or in some other way, try to bring everyone down.

Still, I'm bound and determined to have a good holiday. I'm hoping that Mom will just cancel like she usually does. I hate the thought of her spending the holidays alone but better that than her upsetting the kids. I love my mother but the kids come first.

My holiday memories are happy ones for the most part, but through it all was my mother with her sulking and complaining. Now that my sister and I are grown her "tantrums" have gotten worse, one year she refused to come out of her room while we cooked dinner and almost didn't join us when it was served. I realize the woman is miserable but company doesn't like misery.

Even though I may whine sometimes about my little miseries I do realize that life is what I make of it and 99% of the time I'm happy and thankful for each day. My mother, she just doesn't get it yet and I wish she would.