Monday, December 20, 2004

Getting to know me

Something I haven't done here yet is a bio entry. It just never seemed important but as time has gone on and I've read more blogs, I realize, it's nice to know a little bit of background about the person whose inner thoughts you're reading.

So, without further ado and without any more gilding of the lily (gods I love that phrase!) here's all you never wanted to know about me and then some.

We'll start with stats and build from there:

Age: 33
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 8-7-71 (Yes I'm a Leo but not so's you'd notice)
Location: Iowa (there's more than cows and corn here, really)
Marital status: Married to my high school sweetheart.
Parental status: Mother to three very challenging and interesting personalities.

Interests and hobbies include: reading sci-fi and fantasy, watching movies, watching Anime, tormenting the kids, etching designs on glass and or airbrushing designs on glass with a bake-on enamel (no, it's not done freehand, I make stencils for it), making S&M toys for Master to use on me, writing fiction and non-fiction when the muse decides to pay a call, reading up on various forms of service to improve my own, participating in online and in person BDSM groups, leading a submissive's forum, listening to music and singing along with it (Hey, I took voice lessons I don't sound that bad). There's probably a ton of other stuff I haven't even thought to mention but that should give you something to go on.

I'm the eldest of two daughters; my sister is one of my favorite people though she probably doesn't know it. We both survived emotional and sexual abuse as kids and we both hold our mother responsible for it. Though I daresay I've gotten closer to forgiveness than my sister has.

Somehow, from a dysfunctional childhood, teenagehood, and early adulthood, I've managed, with the help of my Master, to piece together a good life.

Around six years ago I found the world of BDSM and found my niche as a submissive first and then as a slave. They're things I'd craved for a long time but couldn't admit to, not even to myself. It wasn't safe to give up control to a man, even the one I loved. Lots of tears and healing helped me feel safe enough to explore my submissive nature.

I've been described as being elemental and I think that's pretty accurate.

I belong to Alan, my Master and my love, and I am shared with my Lady Jaedyn. We're very close with my Lady Jaedyn and her boy and another M/s couple, the six of us make up what I call the Tribe. We're like family, the six of us.

Once upon a time I was collared to my first Dominant, Mark. Over time we developed a strong bond and we still stay in touch and spend time together when our schedules permit. I don't often write about Mark, I only see him about every 2-6 months now though we talk on the phone every few days.

My life has been a rocky road with lots of bumps, bruises, and a few cool scars to show for it. I'm not one to take the easy road, which would be too easy. I don't expect things will change.

So, that's me in a nutshell. I hope it wasn't too boring.