Thursday, December 16, 2004


Today has been a day. That's the best way to describe it. I went back to work today and spent the first six hours doing nothing; absolutely nothing. They weren't ready for me so while they spent the day trying to get ready they sat me with the preppers so they'd have me on hand when/if they were ready.

In between the short conversations with the prep girls, I fought sleep. I'd be sitting there one minute and then jerking awake the next. I'm just thankful I didn't drool or snore. That would have been embarrassing, wouldn't it? Not that nodding off wasn't embarrassing.

By two o'clock they were FINALLY ready for me and I got to go sit in the indexing room all by myself and scan documents on the computer for quality control; more nodding off. I wondered, as I sat there, if they'd noticed if I took a nap. I had it all planned out, I'd sit upright and keep my hands on the keyboard and close my eyes. It was so tempting. Maybe I should try it tomorrow.

I am so happy to be home now and to have my shoes off. I really dislike having to wear shoes all day. Two things I'd like to see introduced into the workplace, scheduled naptimes and a no shoe policy. Except for the people with stinky feet, they'll have to keep their shoes on or wear numerous car deodorizers tied around their ankles. We live in an unfair world, what can I say?