Friday, December 24, 2004

Sharing my blessings

"Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won't make it 'white'."

-- Bing Crosby, singer

Isn't that the truth? Sharing our blessings is one of the reasons we get together with friends and family during this time of the year. But instead of counting and sharing our blessings we're grousing and focusing on that one horrible cousin that no one wants to sit next to because he doesn't cover his face when he coughs or sneezes, right onto your plate.

Or, in my case, focusing on a mentally ill mother and the misery she attempts to cause. I don't see her that often any more, I don't even speak to her much on the phone. We live in the same city yet we don't see each other. At least once a year we can count on seeing each other.

I want this year's get together to be a special treat, her first visit to our new home, and the first holiday that she doesn't have to worry about cleaning up after. She won't have people messing about in her kitchen, moving things and putting them back in the wrong spot. No, this year she'll have no worries other than an attempt to relax with seven grandchildren, on sugar highs, bouncing off the walls.

I've been thinking a lot about the holidays this week. I'm excited about seeing family and spending time with them. I'm excited about the shared laughter and even the shared frustrations when the kids drive us all up the wall.
It's the shared experiences I'm looking forward to, and the new memories that I plan to capture in pixels.

I know Master will likely spend most of the day upstairs, the crowd will get on his nerves. But despite that he's been gracious in allowing me to host this year's celebration. He did the bulk of the grocery shopping for Saturday's meal and went with me tonight to get the last few things we need. I'm a very lucky girl to belong to a Master such as he.

So, what blessings am I sharing with everyone? Family, despite our ups and downs we're pretty good as families go. Laughter, we know how to laugh and we know that laughter is the best medicine. Love, I have the good fortune of loving and being loved in return. Good food, we're fortunate to be able to afford the food we're going to cook and eat.

I wouldn't miss this for the world, even the pain and heartache I felt last month when the finances were so dire. Quoting the song that inspired the name for this journal...

"Yes my life is better left to chance, I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance"--Garth Brooks The Dance--