Monday, December 13, 2004

Motherly love

Once again our oldest daughter has caught me off guard. Today it was with her girlish excitement and genuine affection for her boyfriend. She called from school to ask permission to spend time with him after school. Her excitement at the prospect was a palpable thing as she begged, "It's the first time he can do anything in like three weeks! Please! Please!" the 'pleases' were squeaked out. How could I say no to that? In truth, I have nothing pressing for her to do at home so I said yes with a clear conscience.

The sound of her voice brought a well of motherly love and adoration bubbling to the surface and I couldn't help chuckling a little. She's so endearing when she's open like this. Of course she can be equally difficult to like when she's in a mood. Can't we all?

I have such hopes for her, for all of them really. But she is the one I'm most worried about right now. She's got an amazing talent for drawing but no desire or motivation to nurture it or turn it into a career. I wish I had half her talent, she's truly amazing. Both Master and myself lavish praise on her about the quality of her work and then point out that she could have a really great career with a talent like that. I'm mindful that too much of that will grate on the nerves so I'm careful not to harp on the subject and I let it drop when she says "Eh" in response.

Today my heart is bursting over with happiness; I've been infected by her excitement.

We really have some amazing kids and I feel privileged to be their mother.