Monday, July 18, 2011

Daddy's Lil Girl/Property

I know it can be done and people do it all the time.  I just don't know how to wrap my head around it yet.  I've always been Daddy's lil girl and we've been Owner/property for several years.  We've had our ups and downs and always seem to make our way through them, thank the gods.

I'm just wondering if a lil girl can respond as property.  Both are part of who I am but I've been primarily property for the last several years with lil girl sitting quietly in the background.  I've been reacting as adult property, not lil girl property.

I think I'm overthinking it and making it more complicated than it needs to be.  So far I seem to be reacting as lil girl property, which, I believe is the response he wants.  I did goof on the grocery list/menu, I put down burgers on the grill for a meal and noted "Daddy makes".  Our youngest daughter caught it and laughed it off, so that wasn't the blow-up I was afraid of..

I'm the good lil girl type of lil girl and I work harder to please my Daddy.  However, I have a Goth lite side to me, an evil sprite if you will. It's weird because as property I love serving my owner and seeing that pleased look on his face and feeling his approval.  I did work hard to please my Owner but I don't feel like I worked as hard as I do as lil girl.  Maybe it's due to the Daddy/daughter relationship, lil girls always want to stay in Daddy's good graces and they just love their Daddies so much that they will go to the moon and back to make them smile in that loving Daddy way.  You know, the smile that says you're the bestest lil girl in the whole wide world, cherished and loved as if no one else exists.

I like that feeling and I think having Daddy/daughter be primary our primary interaction will work pretty well for us.  I wonder if Daddy would buy his lil girl some Hello Kitty and Tinkerbell t-shirts?  I really, really need them. :-D

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Released: The Sequel

Wow, there MUST be something really wrong with me.  I'm unworthy of being owned, it seems.  And my inner kid is unworthy of being loved.  Alan and I were starting over, I thought we were working on fixing what was broken, rebuilding our M/s relationship.  He even wrote up rules for both of us, guidelines for the relationship, and bought notebooks for us to write down issues we needed to talk about during our free talk night.

We stopped talking.  We played a couple of times and both were unsatisfying to him.  He told me the last time we played, right after we played, that it was unsatisfying for him because my pain tolerance is near zero so he didn't get to feed the sadist.  He enjoyed my service and still wants me to serve and have kinky sex and SM in the bedroom.  I don't know why, it feels like he's being selfish.  At the same time it at least gives me a service outlet

I feel like I've been served with divorce papers.  My neck feels light and naked without a collar.  I feel lost and worthless.  I don't really know what to do or how to live bedroom kink and pretty much vanilla the rest of the time.

I still have a slave heart and a strong desire/need to be owned and controlled.  I still have an inner kid who needs to be loved, treasured, cherished, and doted on.  How do I get these needs met when neither of my partners are interested?

My heart is broken, and I do NOT want to live a vanilla life.  But I don't seem to have a choice.  I don't know what to do with myself.  I know what I want to do and I'm teetering on the brink.

My sister recommends a trial separation.  Do you do a trial separation when the power exchange goes south?  Even if the rest of the relationship is relatively okay and you're still in love with each other?  It's not really in the cards to have an actual separation.  The best I can do is move into the spare room and move my toiletries into the main bathroom until we move out of this place.

Maybe it would help us appreciate what we have.  I don't know.  Everything is upside down and bassackwards today.  Part of me just wants to give up in general.

I have no idea where to go from here.  I don't know where we'll go from here.  How do I live as a vanilla wife?  I haven't been one in so many years and what I remember of that was continual fighting due to constant power struggles.

Part of me feels angry that I've been released and feels vindictive and spiteful.  This part of me wants to punish Alan for the pain caused even though he's hurting too.  He feels like he failed me as a man, as an owner, and as a mate.  How do we get through this?  I don't know how.  I don't know if I want to.  I don't want this.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Yesterday was my first wedding officiated on my own.  It was my sister and her husband's vow renewal.  I was SO scared Friday night that I flew right into a nasty panic attack and had to give in and take some medication for it.

Yesterday before the wedding I was so amped I was running around in circles, my thoughts were doing the same.  I was trying to get ready AND get my altar things together for the ceremony.  They (she) chose a Pagan handfasting wedding instead and I was determined to have everything ready so the wedding was perfect.
I made it all the way through the ceremony until the last two sentences before I started crying.  I'm proud of myself for getting through it that well.  I was afraid I would have started sooner.  I got a few compliments for my part.  That made me feel like an actual Priestess rather than some goober trying to perform a ceremony she isn't qualified to perform any ceremony.

I was honored to be asked to officiate their ceremony.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011


I'm not sure what to think, do, or feel at this point.  I saw my doc for a follow-up to the test I had done last week.  Last week the doc said we'd talk today about options because he felt I wasn't a surgical candidate.  Today he gives me a new drug and tells me he's going to run me by the surgeon to see if he'll fuse just one of the discs since he feels it's that disc causing my leg pain.

There are SO many pros and cons to consider.  If I have L5-S1 fused what will happen to L3-L4, which is also bad and causing consistent pain too?  What will happen to the good disc L4-L5?  I just don't know what to do anymore.  I don't know what will help or will make things worse.

Do I try the fusion and hope it doesn't make things worse?  Or do I sit around and just wait for the bad discs to completely disappear and then live with worse pain?  Or will the fusion make the pain worse?

I see the surgeon in a few weeks I guess he'll lay out the the what ifs and will decide if he thinks I'm worth operating on.

I really hate this life sometimes.  This choice is a crapshoot and I won't know until a year or more out if it was the right decision if I do have the surgery.  I've failed every conservative treatment and drug so far.  Good grief, I've been on a neuro drug that sidelines as a treatment for nerve pain and it doesn't help.  I'm on 24/7 pain meds, doesn't help.  I have to try a pain/muscle relaxer drug now and I have no idea what it's going to do, or not do.  I feel like pain and drugs for that pain are in my life forever at this point.  I'm angry, so angry at this.  Why can't it be an easy fix? 

I did accomplish one thing I've been wanting, a handicap parking sign for my car so I don't have far to walk from the store, that's the worst, having to walk forever to my car after having been in the store.  I'm usually near tears by the time I'm walking out of the store, once I get to my car I just fall into it and pull my legs in with my hands.

Sometimes I wonder what I did to earn this pain and suffering.  I know it's a pitypoorme thing but.. really sometimes it feels like I earned it somehow.  I want a reason for why I have this "disease".  Why is my back falling apart?  Why?  Will I ever get my life back?  Even part of it?

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Crash and Burn

That's how I feel today.  I'm so down that I just need to sleep it away.  I've had a crap couple of years, recently I'd been trying to find the happiness in just living and was actually succeeding.  I've fallen down again and I'm trying to decide if it's easier trying to get back up or to just stay down here.

Nothing in my life is what it was, what I was comfortable with.  Everything has changed, nothing is the same, predictable, or safe because anything is subject to change at a moment's notice.
I turn 40 in just a month's time and I no longer know who I am.  I am lost in a big way and the dang birds ate my bread crumb trail.

Depression is tapping my shoulder but I'm trying to ignore it.

I was SO angry last night, so resentful, and feeling very let-down.  I guess that was a lot of emotion because my body is exhausted from it all.

I'm absolutely stunned by The Boss's idea that we volunteer with a vanilla group as a substitute for the loss of kinky friends and kinky socialization.  I don't want another place that I have to hide my kink and pretend that we're "just married".  It's bad enough I have to do it at home and in general public.  But now he's asking me to join a group and spend time with people whom I'll have to hide from?  I think he's nuts.  Yes I wanted to volunteer with this group but NOT as a substitute for my kink outlet and certainly NOT as a "night out" with The Boss.  He's lost his ever-loving mind.

I do need time to be all of me not just one tiny part.  I want to be able to BE and ACT like his slave in training.  I want to be lead around on a leash and have it be acceptable, not a freak show.  I want to sit at his feet and again, have that be normal and accepted behavior.  I want to serve him without all eyes on me as if I've sprouted horns.  I can do none of this volunteering for the vanilla group.

I am angry at the past week's events.  I'm angry that I felt I had to choose to leave to reduce my stress and The Boss's stress.  I'm angry that he's not a joiner.  I'm angry that he's constantly prodded me to give up groups.  I'm angry that he dropped an "I told you so" on me when I woke up this morning.  WTF?  I'm seriously angry that he thinks a vanilla group will take the place of my kink life and will be a fulfilling substitute.  I'm angry that there are no other Central Iowa groups to choose from.  One option, which I feel ostracized from and had to quit.

Angry...that's what I feel the most.  Angry that I'm going to be a shut in, a recluse, since I have no outlet for my kink, no social group for human contact.  Isolated.  It sucks.  That's the nicest thing I can say.

Mental Illness NOT Under Control

So my "emotional intensity", as my therapist likes to call it, is out of control just focused in a different direction from my loved ones.  Oh Goody.

I have to ask for a higher dose of the medicine and find out if I can still join the intensive behavior modification group.  I hate being me today.  I neither want, nor need, your sympathy or well-intentioned suggestions or advice.  I just cannot handle needing to be polite and thankful right now.  I know what I am, what I'm not, and what I have to do.

I'm going to end up alone because of this crap because I can't seem to control this thing.  I just want to scream and cry and give someone else this pain because I'm done with it.

New Beginnings?

We shall see if that is truly what is happening.  I've left the CIPEX group as has The Boss.  I feel as if I am persona non gratis there and he is hugely offended by the way I've been treated over the years.  He decides to step up and defend me once, in his own way-responding to the original poster in kind, and I get backhanded for it by those who have taken issue with a post I wrote venting and in defense of people I called friends.  Overall I am disillusioned and feel extremely unwelcome by this group that I called home for about 12+ years.
Yep, I was wrong for posting my post.  Rule #1 don't say anything people don't want to hear, they'll flame you and curse you out for it while plugging their ears or putting on blindfolds.  Don't be blunt and brutally honest for the same reasons.  Don't vent anger or frustrations, same reasons.  Don't say anything that anyone could possibly take offense to, candy coat it for them, for the same reasons above.  Beyond that don't offend people, they don't like it and will take their friendship and go home if you do.

Yes I'm angry and I'm well aware that it's showing.  This is MY place to say whatever I want to say, please don't read if you're offended.
Some people I counted as friends have little support for me and are making it clear that they feel as the others feel, I'm not good for the group.  I get the message loud and clear folks.  No need to continue to rub my nose in it as if I were an ignorant dog incapable of getting it the first time.

I am so done with that group that I was ready to shut down MY group so I didn't have to deal with them at all.  But no, they don't get to have that kind of power over me.

I will run my group until such time as I feel it has run its course.  If you don't want to participate that's your loss, I'll miss you and the friendship I thought we had.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Options? What Options?

I go see my pain doc a week from yesterday to go over the results of the lumbar discogram done Tuesday this week.  I am not a candidate for surgery-no fusion no fix because I have a good disc in-between two very naughty discs.  So we will discuss "options".

I'm trying to be open-minded and hope he has something new to offer.  Up til now it's been surgery or drugs.  Now, it seems to me the only option is "or drugs".  I'm already on drugs that aren't working well, I've already got an implant that doesn't touch the pain.  I really would like to avoid adding stronger or more drugs to the cocktail I'm already on.  I'm already focus/concentration challenged and sleepy as it is.  I don't want to be mistaken as a zombie, people will run away thinking I want to eat their brains when all I'm really doing is trying to formulate a sentence.

But S tells me to keep an open mind, don't shoot the doc down until I hear what he has to say.  So I'm trying but it isn't easy.  Right now I have an extremely limited number of spoons to spend on my daily life.  Want to know what I'm talking about?  Google "spoon theory" or "but you don't look sick" for a very well written explanation of what it is like living with chronic pain or illness.
There is a trade off to living for me.  Shower, dress, eat, all cost spoons (energy).  Go to an appointment or a social event, costs more spoons (energy).  The trade off is that with every spoon I use I have less to use and each spoon used requires energy rebuilding (or washing the dishes) aka sleep in my case.  If I've spent all my spoons for the day and borrowed from the next day or two, I've hit the "wall" and my body says "We're done, we're sleeping NOW".  And I will fall asleep as soon as I stop moving or I won't be able to wake up because my body is recouping the energy it needs.  While this is going on, I'm missing out on Life, on my life and those around me.  It really sucks and I was hoping to have it fixed somehow so maybe I would have a few more spoons to add to my supply. 

I don't know what the future holds but I sure hope it includes more spoons so I can live instead of having to live with what I consider to be an expensive trade off.

Monday, June 13, 2011


One of the biggest complaints 'S' has had about me is that I want 'more', he thinks I will never be content with what I have.In at least one way he may be right. I want more partners. I want a kinky poly family, a Tribe. Intentional family is a great concept to me.I am built, it seems, to have multiple loves. Some would choose to label me a cheater, no matter the relational dynamics. Those types need to get lives of their own.Very recently, I'm finding myself longing for another partner. I want a submissive or bottom who finds themselves wanting to submit, or bottom, to me.There are so many variables involved in adding another personality to an existing (and complicated) triad.I can see several impediments, s/he isn't interested in this type of relational dynamic, s/he has no interest of that sort in me, but instead prefers The Boss, The Boss has no desire to further complicate our already comlicated lives, maybe there is no one out there who is
able to see me as more than a slave applicant or submissive personality.I haven't yet addressed this issue with The Boss, I'm imagining it will be on the agenda for our Thursday night talk after he reads this.Maybe it is just plain old too soon to add another element into our relationship and I am pushing or wanting to move too fast. I'll be the first to admit that I have little patience when I really want something or someone.
Intellectually, I know slow and steady wins the race. Emotionally, I want it now. I guess I'm lucky I have The Boss, and even 'S', to either help me find the brakes, or put the brakes on for me.

Monday, June 06, 2011


As if there isn't enough to keep my mind doing the dance of insanity, I have a boatload of stress.  I want/need catharsis for stress relief and release.  I need it to move beyond all this crap that I've been storing up for so long.

I need to be reduced to a limp, crying mess, curled on the floor around his feet.  Only then will I be able to let go and cry out all the yucky feelings and thoughts.
To some people this may seem extreme, unhealthy, or whatever.  Everyone has their way of managing stress, normally I don't need catharsis but when things have piled up as they have I do need it.  This is my 'OMG!' stress relief/release.
I'd beg for catharsis if we had time and space to do it.  Too bad we have one child still at home.  It's difficult to let go when you have to hold back every cry, groan, and scream.  It's even more difficult when the tools to be used for catharsis would be too loud and would be heard.  In light of this he let me do some creative cuttings tonight.  It helps to take a little of the edge off but it won't last for long, unfortunately.  But I get some pretty and colorful designs out of it.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Fair Chances?

I feel like my 'crazy' behavior has screwed everything up to the point that The Boss and S aren't able to give me a fair chance and won't ever be able to, despite verbal reassurances that they will.  They both jump on me every time I say something, they view my every word or behavior through negative filters all from the past.  It may be recent and yes it's my fault, but I need a fair chance if I'm going to make it.  Having my past behaviors thrown back at me or used to beat me down is going to keep me spiraling down.

When you're given the message that you're not worthy and haven't changed and won't change, over a long enough period of time it becomes your truth.  In my case I begin to question the sense in continuing to try to get some control of the 'crazy' or trying to have relationships with either of them.  Sometimes my give-a-damn is busted and I just want to quit.  Yeah I know, sappy, whiny, poor me. Suck it up, walk it off, just deal with it. That works well; not.

I am feeling bad about me today.  I've been in a downward spiral for a couple of days. The negative reactions from The Boss and S, plus possible back surgery, plus a definite move to an apartment that won't hold half the stuff we have is all tearing me up.  It's almost overwhelming.  I'm officiating at my sister's vow renewal at the beginning of July, I don't know how I'm going to be able to do it if I have back surgery, the first month is spent laying sown, no sitting, standing, or activity.  I'll need a gurney to even be there.

I've hit that emotional wall and I can't take any more.  I am feeling depressed and like all the cards are stacked against me.  The Boss and S were the biggest part of my mental health support team, I think I've lost that from them.  In addition to everything else it's just another drop in the bucket of crap hanging over me.

How can I get a fair chance?  If I can't get that chance how can even I begin to prove myself to them?  Whenever I bring this up with either of them it ends in a fight of some sort, and somehow I'm always wrong.  My perceptions are incorrect, it's all in my imagination, etc.  In other words, since it isn't their truth it isn't true.  Talk about a mindf*ck for a crazy person who doubts her own thoughts, memories, and reality already.  The mother pulled this same crap on me and I still don't know if what I remember is real.  It's a real crappy thing to do to someone, that's for certain. :-(

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Frustrations and Resentments

Alan and I have been together for 24 years now and our "wedding" was nothing close to what I would call a wedding. Us in jeans and Harley t-shirts, the preacher, his wife, daughter, and grandbaby, all strangers to us. We wouldn't even have the piece of paper had it not been for necessity.

I've been asking, begging, and pleading for a simple handfasting and party for the better part of 20 years now.I thought that with our 25th anniversary coming up next March, it would be the perfect time to plan for and do it.

But he's dragging his heels once again. It's always "not right now" or "just wait and see how things go".  I'm starting to feel like he doesn't want to celebrate our lives together in this way.  Like he doesn't want to renew vows and celebrate with friends and family.

And forget the topic of rings. Due to the nature of his work it is not safe to wear a ring, so any ring we bought him would just sit on the dresser collecting dust. Seems pointless to buy a ring at all. I suggested tattoo rings like a couple we know has done.  Nope, not going to happen.  He doesn't like the idea of visible tattoos especially on the hand to see his face as he looks at his hand, considering the idea, he looks disgusted and as if it's the worst suggestion ever.  I have to respect his feelings, it just seems like a huge impasse.

It hurts thinking he doesn't want to marry me or wear a symbol of that commitment.I feel so frustrated over this and he won't really talk about it.Heck, I thought I had a good idea, planning it all this far in advance. We could have set aside money here and there to save up for it. We could have had plenty of time to book the place to hold the ceremony/party and be assured of being able to secure it.

But it seems that he is averse to the entire idea so no ceremony, party, or rings of any sort.  I don't even know if he really will recollar me. I think he's waiting for me to go crazy again. It's a possibility for the rest of my life. I can't control it but I sure feel as if I'm being held accountable as if I can control it.


The Boss and I talked some after he read this post, he made it clear that he has every intention of collaring me once we're through the training period.  He also stated that he'd like to have the ceremony/party and that in the near future we can start putting some money aside for it.  We're still at an impasse on the ring issue.  I have to admit, I didn't even ask him if he wanted rings of any sort.  I got a little crazy over it all and didn't even pause to consider his feelings or if I was being obedient in my behavior.  sigh

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Okay, maybe I'm a little more excited about this than I should be.  LoL!

I have created the blog I spoke about in my last post.  My journal, chronicling my journey and progress as a slave-in-training as I work my way through Mr. Jack Rinella's book Becoming A Slave

You can find my new blog here Joy's Slave Training Journey 

I hope you will follow me and read what I share there as well. :-)

Just when things were going well...

Just when things were going well, I'd had no manic episodes in weeks (?), I'd been in a positive mood and mindset, and aside from the occasional road bump I was on the way up.

Then today happened.  I was cranky, angry, difficult to please, didn't care-I had to be ordered into the shower, in short I felt like my unmedicated self.   It felt awful and I had to consciously force myself to not lash out at the Boss or anyone else.

I took my shower and the Boss took me to get some dinner and then I went from feeling manic/angry to feeling jumpy/panicky/and overwhelmed by all the noise.  This wasn't very pleasant either but at least I have something to help with that.  Finally I calmed down to "normal", this would be my new attitude/behaviors where I'm nice, pleasant, myself, non-violent, moods are level and stable, and I'm fun to be with.  The rest of the evening with the Boss went well and I even got to snuggle up on the floor in front of him on my new cushion and reveled in head rubs.  I LOVE it when he rubs my head, it doesn't feel sexual, it just feels affectionate and the 'Big me' and 'lg' love it.

Anyway, I'm nervous.  What if I'm metabolizing the medication and it won't work at this dose any longer?  What then?  I'm tired of the medication tango.  I'm trying to not get ahead of myself but I've been at this point so many times within the last 8-9 months that I'm understandably skittish.

The Boss and I, and even S and I, are just starting to make some positive changes and progress.  I do not want to become the thing I was and tear all the good stuff down because I'm a psychotic jerk.

I'm hanging in there and waiting to see what the next week holds and I see the "team" for evaluation and updates.

I'm still working on me and taking baby steps in hopes of becoming the Boss's collared slave again-maybe "again" isn't the right word to use.  This is a new and different relationship we're building.  Still M/s, still power exchange, but stronger with a steady foundation.  I plan to be a whole person bringing a lot to the table this time around-hence all the work I'm doing.  The only way either of us will be successful as any type of couple is if we come into it with eyes wide open, full knowledge and understanding of what we want to create, and an understanding of the difference between day-to-day M/s and fantasy M/s.

Yes I'm getting off on a tangent but it's like 5:36 in the morning and this is not my usual time to be awake so I'm prone to rambling.

One of my big errors was going into both M/s relationships with an eye to being owned and being in service.  I had no idea what type of service I could or wanted to provide.  I didn't know what kind of slave I wanted to be.  I didn't know how they viewed M/s and I certainly didn't know what they really wanted in a slave, from me.  I made a lot of assumptions instead.  The Boss reminds me that I also forgot rule #1-Obey.  He says as long as I Obey, I can't go wrong, get in trouble, or disappoint him.  Makes sense huh?  It's so dang simple that it took me a little while to actually understand the concept!

If we do the Handfasting/Rose Ceremony I envision for our 25th anniversary of being together, I'd like to work the word 'Obey' in somewhere for me.  We used to joke around about the word 'Obey' being in our original wedding vows.  I swore up and down it wasn't, he swore up and down it was.  This way, there would be no doubt because I'd write it in there myself. ;-)

As a short aside:  I am in the process of creating a secondary journal.  It will be kept for the sole purpose of documenting my journey through Mr. Jack Rinella's book BECOMING A SLAVE: The Theory & Practice Of Voluntary Servitude.  Each chapter, including the introduction, has post-reading activities/questions.  I see these as a chance to hammer these new thoughts and lessons into my brain, I learn best if I write as well as read.  Somehow it gets into my long-term memory better.

So watch this spot for the announcement when that goes live.

As for the rest, I will survive.  I'm making plans for the near future, activities, things that will get me out of the isolation cycle I tend to fall into.  Psychologically I do tend toward the antisocial and as such, I tend to isolate a LOT, this computer being my only contact with the outside world for long periods of time.  Changing old behaviors is just one step toward a better 'me'.  :-)  Cheers!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Who Knew?

I've read and heard about eye contact restrictions and how it reinforces one's place within the scheme of a power exchange relationship.  Why doesn't anyone talk about how difficult it is?  It is so not easy to have a conversation with one's partner when one isn't allowed to make eye contact unless he desires it.  In the same turn when he wants that eye contact it's almost scary because it is quickly becoming a privilege to make eye contact.  I feel bared before him, vulnerable to him, when he puts a hand under my chin, exerts a little pressure upward and lets me look him in the eye.

This is not a gripe session or woe is me by any means.  I'm just musing, if you will, about this new aspect of my life with the Boss.  He has given me other rules to follow as well and I look at them as a privilege.  He took the time to decide what he wanted from his slave-in-training, wrote out these new "rules" (I think of them as new ways of relating and behaving), and took the time to explain them to her so there was no chance for confusion or misunderstanding.

However privileged I feel being given this new set of behaviors to learn, they're not easy yet.  It will take time for them to become habit and for me to not slip up and make eye contact when we're just sitting at home talking, or whatnot.  It's really going to be difficult to not speak until spoken to while we're in kink public, I'm chatty and I love to talk to him.  There are other behaviors, which I may (with permission) list here at some point, that I have to learn.

It is amazing what I've taken for granted over the years.  Something as simple as eye contact was once required and is now a privilege.  I believe this is a good behavior for me to learn.  I have used my eyes often to lay down a challenge to his authority.  I've abused the privilege, to say the least.

I know it's all shiny and new and the shine will wear off eventually, but I am excited about this new phase in our lives.  I am excited about learning new, more respectful, behaviors.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Starting Over

It's been a bit since I've had anything to write.  I was in such a fog, embroiled in the chaos of mental illness and loss.  It took a long time to find acceptance of life as it is now.  One big lesson I've learned is this: life is always in flux and you have to be accepting of change.  It will happen whether you want it to or not.  I'm not change friendly but we're learning to at least be civil to each other.

My former Sir, we'll call him S, is still my friend.  We still love each other and we're taking things one day at a time.  We're learning to relate (at least I am) to each other in a different way.  I did him and myself a huge disservice when we talked about creating a M/s relationship together.  I failed to ask him his view of M/s, what he wanted in a slave, and what he saw as our future as a M/s couple.  I also failed to take the time to know myself and know what I wanted in a master, in a M/s relationship, and what I had to offer.  My biggest failure?  I became all the negative things I believed were true about me and I stopped obeying.

I made the same horrible mistake with the Boss/husband and it took me backing out of the relationship, taking off the collar, and a lot of other gut wrenching, painful crap to get to where I'm at now.  Learning to surrender, to submit, and to obey.  I'm not making the same mistake twice, neither is the Boss, we are building a strong foundation for all aspects of our relationship, not just the M/s.  This time around he is the Boss and I'm so happy I could cry.  I'm getting to know him again, and learning to relate to him as my husband and the man who will hopefully own me again.

The painful crap was necessary for this rebirth, and I really believe that is what this is, a rebirth of me, of him, of us, and of our entire relationship.  One doesn't get second chances often and I can't believe I am so blessed to have this, these, chance(s).

I truly believed the Boss and S would stop loving me through one of the darkest times in my life and I did everything I could to prove that I was right.  I didn't believe they could really love me in the first place because I knew I was unlovable.  I was verbally abusive to them both and I beat up on them emotionally when I was in the depths of my illness, I was sabotaging my own relationships.  It isn't easy to admit this to myself, to them, or to you folks.  I wasn't a good person, I was toxic.  When S released me I started my journey to rock bottom.  It was a Cosmic 2x4, a wake-up call.  If I'd continued on as I was I would have lost S as a friend, the Boss as my husband, and possibly mySelf.  It was truly a dark night of the soul for all of us.

Today I feel.  I mean I really feel.  I'm stronger for the experiences, I've found my "muchness" again and I'm very much me.  I believe I am a woman worth pursuing because my muchness is there for all to see.  That isn't to say I don't still have bad days, I do.  I'm just taking things one day at a time, one minute at a time if I have to.  I have new challenges, as well as old challenges, to get through.  But I'm starting to be able to see that I'll be okay, I can do it, and I can handle it.  Why?  Because I am capable.

I don't need a master to coddle and protect me like some wilting flower, I can stand on my own two feet.  I need a master because I must serve another, I am built to do so.  I come from a position of strength, and that's the only way one can successfully surrender to another.  A weak woman cannot serve, surrender, or submit.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Time and Distance

It has been a few days now and I'm finally not overwhelmed with grief.I also haven't been in contact with ex-Sir either. That will be a test, next time we chat online.After first feeling as if I just needed and wanted to walk away from kink altogether, I've realized that I cannot and do not want to.Kink is in my blood. I am slave-hearted and maybe after some time and healing, ex-Master and me will find our way to a situation that will satisfy both of us.One of my issues with ex-Master seems to be improving, though I haven't told him yet. I'm afraid it would be a tease if it's just temporary and I don't want to be cruel.I asked to be cuffed to the bed the other night, I wanted the comforting, secure feeling it gives me. I like feeling ex-M's hands placing and lockin the cuff in place.We are going to move slowly, play partners and spouses for now, we'll see where things go.I would very much like to have my ex-Sir back as more than a friend. I still
love him. I still want him, to share that comfortableness we had.I miss what I had with them. I want to create something new and better with them.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Be Careful What You Wish For

You never know how prophetic anything you say might be.  In my last post I wished I could disappear from their lives, complaining that I hadn't signed on for what they were offering.

Well, Ex-Sir has released me and wishes to remain friends.  It's my fault, I couldn't control my crazy, I couldn't stop complaining, couldn't stop voicing my wishes for more.  He took as much as he could and finally had to back off for his own sanity.  This loss would be easier if I could hate him or at least be angry with him.  But I can't.

Ex-Master is just my friend-husband now.  This is also my fault.  I ruined what we had, maybe not with my crazy or maybe with it, I don't think I'll ever know.  I stopped feeling submissive to him and can't find my way back to it.  I stopped feeling like a wife to him and I can't find my way back to that either.  I still love him deeply.  I love them both deeply and I'd choose them both over and over again.

I'm sitting here full of regrets and wishes now, feeling more alone than I have ever felt.  If you take anything away from this post, control the way you express yourself.  Remember the person you're talking to is a human being with their own thoughts, feelings and needs.  And if you're submissive to them, remember your place along with everything else.

Just Joy now... Undone

Monday, April 18, 2011

Since When????

Since when does a Master dictate what needs, not wants, his slave is allowed to have? And then, to add insult to injury, refuse to meet those needs he has dictated and instead tells the slave she's on her own to get them met??Color me ten kinds of frustrated and four kinds of angry, and maybe a shade or two of WTF?He has limited time and now he's regimenting it even tighter. Neither one of them is 'into' aftercare, for instance, so I'm expected to take care of myself. WTF?? That isn't what I signed on for.Some days I just want to throw in the towel and just disappear from their lives, from the scene, everything. Go to a new place where I'm unknown and make a new start.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Low Point

Sir wants changes in my personality.. so I'm making them. However, I'm afraid I'll lose some of "me" and it makes me angry to think about that. How do I hold onto "me" yet, let go?

The "new me" has very little to say so far. Just pleasantries and benign subjects sure to be safe and not stir up any arguments. However, I've used up all of today's pleasantries in less than half an hour. I don't know how this will work long term.

I don't understand how this will be beneficial to our relationship.

One can only hope that it will work out and eventually the "new me" will settle in and won't feel awkward when chatting with Sir.

Monday, February 21, 2011


I am frustrated and angry. I don't understand much of what is going on right now. He wants to change my personality but I have to wait until he gets around to telling me what is being changed and why. I'm supposed to be fully, and cheerfully accepting of him and his time limitations. Why should I when he won't reciprocate?

I asked him to consider renaming me since he's changing me into a different person. It makes sense to me. I'll be a different person and as such I should have a new name to go with the "new" me.

I'll never understand why, if he's not happy with me, he doesn't just find someone else more to his liking? I thought he liked 'me' for who I was. I guess I thought wrong.

Sometimes,like right now, I doubt my slavehood. If one of my Owners feels he has to change my personality, maybe that means I've failed him as a slave.

And now after a phone call I'm further confused. Apparently I had it all wrong. I'm not allowed to discuss the one thing that seriously upsets me. So dear blog, you get stuck listening to me.

I'm supposed to stop complaining. So I guess I will. I'll have to pretend to be thrilled when I'm left high and dry in the middle of playing and have to figure out how to do self-aftercare.

I'm just worn out. I'm tired of arguing. I'd like to have productive conversations. But anything I say that isn't sunshine and roses is taken as a complaint. Going with that logic, I should not complain ever.


I'm starting to think emailing anyone is pointless. Either they don't respond or they pick a tiny piece of the whole email to respond to.I'm thinking that taking meds and going to therapy is pointless too. Either I'm so tranquilized that I'm barely mentally present, or I'm out of control. No happy middle to be found.My entire weekend was spent sleeping due to meds. Oh well guess I'm easier to deal with when I'm out of it.I'm angry tonight, frustrated. Not allowed to voice anything that sounds remotely like a complaint now. He keeps changing the rules on me. No acceptance, he wants a personality change. If he wants someone different why keep me around?I feel like giving up.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Not the fun kind. Mood swings. I was on an upswing for a few days and felt happy, peaceful, soft. Today it seems that I am on a downswing, feeling irritable, chaotic, and just not quite happy. I hate the downs, I really, really hate them. I can't stand the chaos in my head and sometimes I wish I had a "chaos shelter" where I could hide during these times.

It's really difficult to deal with people when I'm feeling like this, even more difficult to deal with two Owners who have the right to make demands of me, my time, and even my thoughts. When I'm in chaos I end up feeling like a cornered animal and I "bite" in response to feeling pressed for whatever They may need at the time. I'm remorseful afterward, I'm often remorseful during, but can't seem to always control what comes out of my mouth/head.

I'd like to say I've made some progress on this as I do swallow a lot of snarky comments that I would like to make. But if I make even one comment I think that negates whatever progress I might have made.

Sometimes I think I'm wasting my time trying to improve. Usually when I'm in chaos. Go figure.

I'm trying something new/old again. I'm trying to organize and schedule my life, almost every hour of every day, so I have the structure I need. I'm using FlyLady's method, or trying it. I may modify it, I may not, it depends on how it works with my life. I know a lot of people swear by her method and it looks very sound. I've always touted it as being a good resource for s-types wanting to give better domestic service. It's probably high time I take my own advice eh?

That's me today... meh.

Sunday, February 06, 2011


I got it in spades last night. I asked for it and got it. What I asked for was heavy SM play, I wanted to play with the Sadist. I didn't really know it was catharsis I needed or wanted until it happened.

Sometimes Master and I will play and spar together, we "box". Last night he decided he wanted to do that instead of what we'd originally decided to do. But I couldn't, I simply couldn't fight back no matter how hard he hit me. Note to self: being punched in the jaw kinda hurts a lot. At one point he had me backed against a wall choking me and my legs just gave out, I ended up sliding down the wall, him with me, til we were both kneeling on the floor. It was at that point he understood that I couldn't fight back despite his order for me to do so.

He changed tack and decided to beat me instead. He had me lean against the cross and just laid into me. No warm up at all. I don't know how I stood there and kept taking it. I really don't. I kept begging over and over "please, please, please, please stop", knowing he wouldn't stop, not really wanting him to stop. He used the wooden paddle and I ended up cowering on the floor wrapped around one leg of the cross. I was lost in such a deep submissive mindset, I couldn't not do what he wanted. He wanted to beat me and I had to take it, wanted to, needed to. So I stood up again and took my place against the cross once more. He doesn't like to bind me, usually I've got some fight in me and he likes the possibility that I may turn on him.

For me the beating seemed to last forever, I cried the entire time.. just cried myself out. When he was finished with me I curled into a little ball on the couch next to him and just laid there. At peace, finally. It was a blessing. I don't know how long it will last. I didn't have the "happy, goofy, endorphin rush" after like I normally have. I was just empty and at peace. I spent today just recovering, I'm just a wee bit bruised, and the body has its limitations and needs some rest after such rigorous use. It's a price I happily pay for the opportunity to serve as masochist to his Sadist and for occasional catharsis.

Thank you Master.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


I'm feeling quiet now. Had a good cry earlier after doing my slave devotional/mantra. It wasn't for any specific reason other than letting off some pressure and letting go of some icky feelings.

The slave may be used as her Master sees fit.
That is the last line in my mantra and it keeps playing over and over in my head. There's no guarantee here that my needs will be met, consistently or otherwise. But they tell me they want to take care of me and will do so, in their own time. That is hard to accept because their time doesn't always link up with what I think it should be. But...I didn't sign on for "it's all about me" if that was the case I'd be on top wouldn't I? And I'm not, I'm not built to be on top even if I have some tendencies that way, I can't sustain it.

I actually feel accomplished and at peace for the moment. It's a good feeling. I cleaned and polished my boots and cleaned and conditioned Master's shoes. I never really thought about it but leather care is kind of meditative for me. It's just me and the leather, my hands working to nourish and care for the leather. And afterward my hands are left soft and smelling of beeswax and it's a heck of a great smell. I know I've done something good with these hands when they smell of beeswax. I know I've done a good service, not only for Master but for the leather. It pleases me to see clean and happy leather and to see Master wearing that leather. And now, myself, I have my own leather boots. Tacticals and they're just awesome. I can't bear to let the poor things sit dirty despite them being meant for work not show.


Today is a low day. I think to call it depression would be wrong, because it's not that kind of low.

Hopelessness, yes I feel that. But mostly just tired. I did my chore and have to exercise as promised to Sir. If I had not had the "to do" from Sir and from Master, I would not do. I would sit like a lump on the couch and watch Baz Lurhman's Romeo & Juliet over and over. I'm fixated on the movie today and if I could explain it I would.

"Good Night, Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow."
- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 2.2
I understand how she feels.

I do not want to exercise. I do not want to move. I do not want to cook dinner, I feel like the house drudgery slave, not in service to my Master but the house. There is no joy in this type of service. I cannot seem to find any joy in the day. I woke angry and took it out on Master. I don't care how understanding he is, it isn't fair to him. I don't think my crazy is under control.

If I have to smell the scent of cooked or uncooked chicken again I may just scream.

I'm off to do the rest of my "to do" or to at least contemplate doing it. But if I don't do it I will have to tell on myself and I don't want to do yet another disappointing thing.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Skittish and Scared

"Have faith" he says. As if it were done as simply as saying it.

More change is afoot and change scares the crap out of me. It's unknown, uncontrollable, and not always good. It's not always bad either but one never knows til it happens does one?

No longer shall I request SM play with Sir but simply let him know if I feel I'm in need and trust that between him and Master that need may be met. A request is a demand, at least the way I phrase it it is.

No longer will I request to spend time with Sir, he will decide if he has time and will let me know when we can make plans. A request, again, is a demand in the way I've been phrasing things.

These are just two changes being made hopefully for the betterment of our relationship(s). Sir has been feeling backed into the corner because of my crazy and my response to being disappointed or upset. I have a lot to prove to him; a lot of work ahead of me to earn his trust back.

I'm scared of letting go and not asking for what I think I need. What happens if I do this and my needs go unmet indefinitely in favor of theirs? I know, slave=needs come after theirs, but it still scares me. I'm rather shaky right now. I feel as if I could shake apart if there weren't glue and duct tape holding me together.

I don't know if I will see Sir this week, the week is obviously young but the weather is supposed to be nasty for most of this week. I may not see him at all. That thought makes me sad. Not normal sad but cry-into-my-pillows-for-days-sad. It's likely disproportionate to the situation but knowing that doesn't make the reaction any different or less intense. Sir, if you're reading this please know it is not an attempt at manipulation.. I need you to understand this is my safe place to talk, vent, work things out in my head, and yes even whine sometimes.

Trust is a touchy thing for me, touchier still because Master kind of slacked off for a long time on his end. I started slacking too, so we both slacked and we're trying to get back on track. However, that doesn't mean it's easy for me to trust that he will be consistent and that he won't let me drift again. I'm supposed to trust that Sir will make time for me when he can, it's the "when he can" that trips me up. It's so uncertain and leaves so much room for whatever... I don't know what I'm trying to say here. It's just so uncertain and unstructured. I need structure to feel safe and secure; to even be able to relax and let go the death grip I have on self-protection. I'm supposed to trust that they will take care of me if I let them and stop pushing for my needs over theirs. Trust... I hate the need for it, I loathe my inability to do so easily.

I always thought I was asking for my needs in addition to theirs but I was wrong. My overly emotional reactions have pushed them into corners where they fear to push too hard, just in case. What a slave I am... not.

Faith? I don't know how to do that. Gods help me figure it out.

My Crazy Family

Crazy like mine usually runs in families. It’s genetic, comforting eh? My children and grandchildren could develop it too. At least one of my children has crazy like mine only worse. If this child would seek help as I’ve begged him to do, he’d be so much happier.

Crazy started with the mother, could be further back but that’s as much as I know. She is Bipolar with a few sides, one being Borderline Personality Disorder.

My sister was just diagnosed as Bipoloar Level 2 the other day.

I went to the NIMH (National Institute for Mental Health) Web site in search of some answers and reading the symptoms for Bipolar disorder/Manic Depression was like reading about my own life. I’m not as extreme in some areas but can be more extreme in others. I’ve never been given an official diagnosis, I’ve never asked, and have only recently begun to be more honest and forthcoming with important information with my shrink. Perhaps with the new information she has a diagnosis now, or perhaps she doesn’t believe in diagnoses. I can only ask.

My very first “episode” I can remember is when my grandmother died. I was around seven years old. I broke with reality instead of accepting her death or coping with it in any way. I moved into my own reality and lived there quite firmly and happily until I was sent to my first shrink and therapist and “therapy school”. They trained the ability to disassociate right out of me. But I was functioning again, sort of.

All through my life I’ve had panic/anxiety attacks, bouts of depression and mania in various forms. In my early teens I started self-mutilation as a means of coping with impossible situations. That has evolved into cutting. The last episode was a suicide attempt/cry for help. My moods have always been mercurial, changing at a drop of a hat and disproportionate to the situation.

My crazy seems to be getting worse or more intense…I’m not sure what to call it. All I know is I need a concrete point to work from so I can learn to manage whatever this is so I can at least function in my personal life, if nowhere else.

The Men have stuck by my side through all of this and still somehow love and care for me. One would think after decades of this they’d want to be rid of me, but they’re not the types to quit and the Gods know I’m extremely thankful for this quality in both Men.

I do think that dealing with mental illness in O/p, M/s, or D/s relationships is different from dealing with mental illness in vanilla relationships. Maybe I’m wrong in this thinking, wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been wrong. lol But it seems to me that my crazy, anyway, can rob my Owners of the ability to own or enforce their will on their property. This is in addition to the usual relationship issues my crazy causes.

These are just a few thoughts running through my head right now as I process all the new information and memories I’d put out of sight.

Ever wonder who you are? Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t. There is ‘me’ and ‘not me’ as far as Sir and Master are concerned. I’m inclined to agree with them. ‘Not me’ is cold, extremely selfish, heartless, angry, sad, violent, and sometimes suicidal (usually passively). ‘Not me’ takes all of this out on either Sir or Master, wrongly. I know it sounds like I’m talking about different personalities and in many ways they are but they’re still part of the whole, not splintered bits.

Monday, January 24, 2011

She Got a Pearl Necklace....

Master has been talking for a while about buying me a new collar. Something I can wear daily, anywhere, anytime.

I tried to remain stoic, usually keeping surprises drives him batty and much like a little kid he gets so excited about giving gifts that he wants to tell all and give the gift immediately. So yes, I teased him a bit and didn't admit curiosity, didn't ask questions. I can't help it 'sadist' is part of my kink make up too. lol

Eventually curiosity got me and I let the excitement show. I couldn't wait for it to arrive. I wanted to know but I wanted the surprise more so I didn't press for answers. He drew it out even after the collar arrived. He took me upstairs and had me sit on the bed while he opened it, very stealthily. Then, with collar hidden in his hand, he came toward me and showed me as he placed it around my neck.

A blushing pink pearl necklace. Real pearls!! I feel so classy and classic wearing them. They fit so well too, right around the base of my neck like his hand holding me.

My love affair with pearls started after watching Julie & Julia, one of my absolute favorite movies ever, and I developed an obsession. I looked at pearls everywhere and talked about wanting pearls often. Why pink? It's become my favorite color and I get just about everything in pink that I can.

Master listened and heard and decided to spoil his slave. Yeah, I know, spoiled rotten but I love being Daddy's princess.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fixing Me

So we all know I battle depression and panic/anxiety (if we didn't know this we know now). I've been trying for a long time to heal myself and pull up out of the mire of mental illness. My methods weren't working. Since August I've been getting (I believe) progressively worse.

I've had more bouts of what I call mania, Sir calls it obsession. I get this manic energy and latch onto an issue and I can't seem to let go despite knowing my behavior is out of control and not wanting to be that way. It isn't me. Sir has said that it isn't me many times, I agree, it is so not me or the me I want to be.

So I'm trying Sir's way in the hope that he's right and it will work. I trust him and see the way he reacts to everything and want to be able to react with such a positive attitude and outlook on life.

So I'm currently reading a book called Don't Sweat The Small Stuff: and it's all small stuff It could have been written by Sir, I swear there are phrases in there he's said to me more than once. It's eerie but that tells me he's onto something and I need to listen and pay attention. I'm trying to put it into practice as I read it even if I'm not always successful. I feel calmer and more positive on days when I am successful. I like who I am on these days and this is the person I want to be every day. Calm, respectful, unruffled by the small stuff, relaxed, and happy. Most of all, happy.

In addition to the book(s) I'm reading, I'm also seeing my shrink and therapist more regularly and I have support to help keep me honest. The support feels good and isn't at all the nightmare I thought it would be (past issues). We're also working on creating a daily schedule for me, which includes time for meditation, slave devotional, exercise, and hobby/fun stuff. It also includes some things to get and keep my physical health on track too. I thrive with structure despite fighting it at times. I would have done well in the military had I not had an authority issue. ;-)

I'm about 50% in line with the schedule but it has only been in effect since Wednesday. I will get 100% in line within the next week. I need to because my mental and physical well-being, as well as my relationships, depend on it.

If I were to have a message it would be don't neglect your mental health it will affect your relationships whether they be vanilla or M/s. It's really difficult to be submissive when your mind is cluttered with chaos.

During my out of control periods I have hurt my Masters deeply and it's not something you can take back no matter how much you wish you could.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


We all have them right? We all think our needs are important, true? But are our needs more important than those of a significant other? Or a friend? Or even a stranger?

I say it depends on the need, if I need shelter, food, or clothing, those are going to come before anyone else's need for a hug, or something else less critical to survival.

I've learned this lesson the hard way and am damn lucky I didn't lose either Master in the process. I'll say it til the day I die, I am blessed to have two very wonderful men in my life who love and cherish me and want to see me succeed and be happy. I'm even more blessed that they chose me to serve them as their slave.

However, I'm SO not even close to perfect. Some days I don't even think I'm good. I'm told that I am good so I won't argue the point. Rule #1, don't argue with your Master.

For a while now I've been putting my various needs above Sir's need to be able to be on time to things that are highly important to him, to be able to arrive safely at a destination in bad weather, or even sleep he desperately needed. I've done the same thing with Master too, and then I have what amounts to a temper tantrum when I don't get what I think I need.

I've been an energy vampire in a very bad way. So NOT good slave behavior. Master sat me down last week and had a bit of a talk with me about my purpose and my place. Somehow I got lost while the World was upside down for me. I forgot my purpose and my place. I started acting like a domineering b*tch, if you want to know the truth, and that really isn't me. It is a dark part of me yes, but it's something I strive daily to keep in the dark. I genuinely care about others and want to see them safe and happy. More so with my Masters. I want them safe and happy, I want to do good and right by them. I want them to feel like the most special and cherished men in the whole World because they are my World.

Sir says it's almost like I have had a split personality issue going on because of this dark side of me that isn't the real me. He is right in a lot of ways. It isn't the me that is out most often and it didn't used to get out that often at all. I don't know if I should blame it on my crazy (mental health issues) or if it's due to feeling like the World has been upside down since August due to relationship and life issues, because it has gotten out more and more frequently and with more malice since then.

However, back on point, the main issue is me putting my needs before theirs and often these are frivolous needs. Such as the need to resolve an issue instead of tabling it until there is more time to discuss it. This is very selfish, as a slave that type of "need" is secondary to my Masters' needs.

Master reminded me that as a slave my purpose and responsibility is to be here for my Masters, to make their lives easier, not to make their lives harder by being an energy vampire. In all honesty I haven't given much in return and I feel ashamed of myself.

Last night I caught myself doing it again, once Master gave me "the look" I realized what I was doing and reeled myself in.

I know some people will say that a slave, or submissive's needs are just as important as a Master or Dominant's. I disagree. Yes my basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter are as important, without these things I cannot serve my Masters properly. Beyond that, sometimes my other needs, such as SM, have to take a backseat to their needs. Not only due to being their slave but also because that is just what you do in relationships. There is give and take. Sometimes you do a lot of giving and get very little in return, sometimes for a while, sometimes just for a short time. And then sometimes things reverse or they end up balanced.

I'm relearning how to be a proper slave and finding my service-mind again. Now that I am aware of it, I will no longer be an energy vampire. Being such, makes me no better than a parasite, in my mind, and is definitely not (again in my mind) slave behavior.

I still want to be the very best slave I can be and I am thankful my Masters are taking the time to work with me instead of giving up because it's just too much work.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Progress-Nicked From FetLife

The general question asked was about progress through process. Process being the many, or few, steps needed to achieve a certain behavior modification, etc. in one's slave/property.

I see my Sir as the type to achieve progress through process. And there is a LOT of process with me. That is actually one thing I'm seriously working on, being less work, and taking less of his energy to "deal with". In my mind this is part of being a good slave, not being high maintenance, which I have been.

Back on point, Sir is much like a Pitbull (though he's described me as such as well lol). He won't let go of an issue or behavior until he's gotten through to me and we've worked it out. He won't remain silent and just let me run roughshod over him (thank the Gods!) but he's not forceful about it either, however he is relentless. If he thinks it's important he won't let it go and I think it's an admirable quality, even if I do fight against it at times, trying to re-establish some of my freedom, which I really don't want but seem to need when I feel cornered.

We've had an issue for quite some time now, we're at different points on the SM spectrum and for a long time he has been trying to show me that the way I act when I'm in extreme need of some heavy SM (for whatever reason), it appears unhealthy, as if my need for SM controls my life. I couldn't see it. It took the opinions of two different people who have varying depth of knowledge of my personality. But both opinions were very similar and both echoed what Sir has been saying for quite some time now. If he hadn't kept on it and on me I would never have gotten to the point of questioning myself and my behavior in this area.

It has been a long process but I finally understand and, having a degree of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), I have to admit that yes I do get somewhat obsessive about SM when I'm feeling stressed, lost, or at loose ends. I owe Sir an apology for arguing with him over it all this time and engaging in "trench warfare" over it.

Sir, I'm sorry.

In general I think I, myself, am a progress through process type of person. I take time and steps to get to whatever goal is set for me, or that I set for myself.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

"Normal" Or "Abby Normal"?

How much SM should a masochist need in a given month? Really, is there a "should" or a "limit" to what is acceptable need?

What if said masochist hasn't had SM play for a couple of months and gets a bit frenzied about wanting to play again? Is that unhealthy? Does it mean it's too extreme and running said masochist's life?

Definition from


[mas-uh-kiz-uhm, maz-] Show IPA
Psychiatry . the condition in which sexual gratification depends on suffering, physical pain, and humiliation.
gratification gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc., inflicted or imposed on oneself, either as a result of one's own actions or the actions of others, esp. the tendency to seek this form of gratification.
the act of turning one's destructive tendencies inward or upon oneself.
the tendency to find pleasure in self-denial, submissiveness, etc.

I'm starting to question myself and my masochism and wonder if there's something wrong with me. My Sir thinks I'm unhealthy because if it's been a while I do get frenzied and crave to play to a point where I'm wanting extreme pain play. It was never a problem in the past, Alan was always able to meet my need because it suited his own at the time. Thus he accepted me as I was and didn't think there was anything wrong with me. He still doesn't even though his path has changed some.

My Sir doesn't seem to be able to accept my masochism needs because they are a bit beyond his own comfort zone. I sometimes wonder if this is why he judges me as unhealthy when I get frenzied about pain play.

Now though, now I'm just wondering if there's something wrong with me. I'm questioning that which I accepted in myself before as being normal, the way I'm wired. I've been actively masochistic since I was 13 or 14. I'm nearly 40 now, so it's been a long time, to say the least.

I'd ask my shrink but I'm guessing her response would be "none is normal". My therapist is so vanilla I think she'd suggest I go into inpatient treatment if I mentioned it to her. I need to know from other masochists, from sadists even. People who understand this need.

I don't like being unsure of myself, I really don't like questioning myself. I was happy and content with just accepting myself and not thinking there was something wrong with me. Now I wonder.

Angsty, Cranky, and Frustrated

I know, beyond a doubt, that this will come across as selfish on my part. But this is my blog and I get to vent my frustrations over lack of needs being met if I want to. So nyah.

I have the two most wonderful men in the World who love me and want to see me happy. I'm grateful for them being in my life and wouldn't change that, ever.

But one's path has diverged from the path we were on and SM isn't in the cards for some time, if ever again. Definitely not to the edges we used to love playing on as far as I know.

The other has no real need for SM so is quite happy to go without it.

Here I am in the middle, masochist with a voracious appetite feeling like I'm starving to death. Sometimes I am almost willing to risk injury just to get that need met. Talk about stupid and unhealthy thinking.

Sometimes I think I'd be better off trying to kill off the masochist, I just don't know how one goes about doing that. It's not like I can turn it off with a flick of a switch. If I could I would, believe me. I'm tired of being frustrated. I don't even get orgasms because either my business downstairs has chosen that moment to be dysfunctional, or I'm too busy worrying about time and then the downstairs business goes dysfunctional and I quit in frustration and irritation.

I guess I've got a double whammy going on in the frustration department. I should just suck it up and deal with it and quit complaining.

Things used to work and I don't know where it all went pear-shaped. It just stopped working one day. Maybe it was the path divergence, maybe it was me, I don't know. I just know I'm miserable and frustrated and feel desperate to fix it somehow.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

New Master

Alright so he's not new as in brand new. I've been with him for many years as his submissive and after a lot of angst on my part and growing pains we moved to a Master/slave dynamic. It's still very new to us, at least new to me. I'm trying to find my feet as a slave to him. I'm learning the new rules and restrictions. You'd think it'd be easy since I've lived as a 24/7 slave for almost six years to another, but each has different expectations.

I'm happy to be his slave and there is nothing more I want than to please him and earn his approval each and every time we're together. But I can't seem to put aside my selfish needs/wants. I'm trying but I'm struggling. I have the worst urge to top from the bottom and try to control things like communication and the amount of time spent together. I did this not long ago with disastrous results. I nearly ruined the relationship doing that.

But it kills me when he limits communication to the bare minimum. I get angry when he talks about SM play and then on the day it turns out he's either just kidding or not in the mood. That's where I'm at today. Peeved because he was beyond late (another issue we've had that he said he'd work on) and because he wound me up for SM only to leave me hanging.

I'm hoping this is just growing pains.

Monday, January 03, 2011


I finally gave up the ghost, I was trying to slave to a man who didn't seem to want to Master any longer. This happened a while back and though I'm not proud of it, I did entertain thoughts of divorce. I was miserable and I'm sure I was making him miserable. It felt like there was a giant chasm between us and I couldn't (or wouldn't) build a bridge to get back to him and to sort things out.

I took someone's advice and just let it all go for a while, didn't talk about M/s or SM, and I didn't try to even serve so I didn't pressure him. His desires are still there but it seems they've changed some.

We're trying to re-create our relationship now, starting slow and taking baby steps. I'm working on building up trust in him again, trust that he won't abandon me like it seemed he did before. It's horrible to suddenly realize the Master you've come to trust to be there holding the borders and enforcing the boundaries isn't there anymore. It isn't as if I didn't try to talk about it, I did, for four years and waited, and waited, and waited.

I'm not sure if I can submit to him again given the loss of trust, maybe it's a lack of wanting to because I don't want to be let down again. It's easier to withdraw and protect myself than to put myself out there again.

He's still a wonderful, caring husband and has never stopped being that. He's willing to do just about anything to ensure my happiness. But I don't want the Master back if he's only doing it to make me happy. I don't want to be served, I don't want something simply because I want it and the other person doesn't but is doing it to make me happy. I hope that made sense.

There are other changes I'll address in a separate post.